I found your site by 'chance' and read about tithing. What an eye opener; which, I might add, confirmed the deep nagging inside of me. I have been asked to leave churches for being too outspoken when I felt a teaching was erroneous. I have been falsely accused of stealing sheep, when I was the only one trying to find out why they left! I have also raised my 3 children single-handed and know (even now) what it is to go without food, heat and have no money. I also know what it is like to be a recipient of God's gracious provision. Only one or two true Christians actually helped us out.
I am not in a fellowship at the moment, and have been absent from one for a few years now, not that I wish to be, but circumstances have been such I could not go. Only 2 Christians have visited me to see how I am, no-one else bothered.
The Lord has upheld me all along and I am blessed that He has shown me that I am actually sharing in His sufferings. I am also learning so much more through it all, again!!!!
Thank you for your site. I have made others aware of it too, though carefully choosing as I do.
God Bless,
Ps, I agree and have complained to the Lord about the letters asking for support, why would God 'tell' them to ask me to give hundreds of pounds when I don't have hundreds of pennies?? (or I would lose the blessings) I took my complaint to the 'Top'!!