Brenda ... It DOESN'T LEAD TO DEATH !!!
You are exactly right in what YOU should eat. Kat is right on what SHE should eat.
There are two types of basic biochemical metabolic makeups -- sugarburners and fatburners. The sugarburners, like you and me, can't metabolize sugars and they make us very unhealthy -- this doesn't mean white cane sugars this means even more than a serving of fruit a day.
The fatburners can't metabolize fats and fatty proteins and it makes them very unhealthy. I have an article that explains the science of this but everyone reading should understand just by common sense and from this thread. What works for Samson, Brenda and me obviously is not what works for Kat or Linny.
There is a small percentage of people, around 10%, who are lucky and can metabolize anything just fine. I'm sure you guys know some of those too.
What makes you alkaline is NOT what makes another person alkaline. You can do an expensive test to discover if you are a sugarburner or a fatburner OR you don't have to because you already know. In fact, what makes another person alkaline is what might KILL you.
PLEASE -- don't listen to that doctor.
Here is the latest study reported by the Associated Press Medical Writer in July: Atkins diet has been proven in a very extensive study to be the most effective and most healthy for a large majority of people -- not everyone -- but for you and me. Notice this quote in the article:
"Some critics had predicted the opposite." Critics will tell you what they want to believe themselves. Your doctor is one of those. Critics made poor Dr. Atkins' life miserable and now this study has vindicated him. Notice the lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure in the Atkins dieters.
I have had two separate alternative homeopathic doctors tell me from two separate tests that I am to eat fatty meats/oily fish and ABSOLUTELY NO WHEAT. Other grains are okay in very small quantity but the no wheat is important. I am not always able to do this but I know from experience how much better I feel with mental and physical clarity when I follow this plan.
The first doctor told me that 20 years ago. My mother had sent me to him but she totally flipped out when she heard what the doctor had said. It was beyond her comprehension of what was healthy that someone would tell me to eat fatty meat, butter, etc. She so flipped out that she convinced me to continue with the low fat, lots of pasta diet that was all the rage at the time -- to my detriment.
Chet Day has a report on his website showing that the majority of "famous" vegetarians actually ate meat themselves. It is a stupid idea to go completely vegetarian BUT some people, fat burners, are supposed to eat mostly fish, white chicken and lots of healthy complex carbs. I wish I was a fatburner but I am a sugarburner.
There are even vegetables that are better for fatburners and sugarburners -- nightshades for instance. I can point you to this list.
Please don't let some doctor or well-meaning fatburners tell you, as a sugarburner, what to eat. You already know. You already said what makes you feel the best and you are RIGHT!
If you are interested in discovering a little more of the science behind biochemical metabolic types and imbalances then pm me. In the meantime, the old saying that "One Man's Fruit is Another Man's Poison" is absolutely true.
What makes you alkaline is NOT what makes someone else alkaline. As I said, and it's so important because I see how confused you are becoming, you already know what makes YOU feel best. Listen to yourself. Your doctor is just parroting the conventional wisdom.