My Opinion, Only.
They strain out the gnat and gulp down the camel. They overlook the far weightier
matters of the Law, like Justice and Mercy. For me it basically boils down to this,
why critique and concern ourselves with every detail of ones Entertainment, including
ones choice of music when our former denominations of Christendom, especially the
Legalistic ones, like my former affiliation, when the important teachings of these groups
are Blasphemous to God, especially Eternal Punishment, of one variety or another.
I've been around those " Perfectionist " type people, they were usually more interested
in portraying an image, as if their Salvation and others depended on it.
Actually, Rock Music is my favorite category of music, my selection of individual songs
has probably improved in it's quality since joining Bible-Truths. I suppose God has
caused me to move in that direction, not because any exertion of pressure from
those overly righteous legalistic minds. I remember sending a Music Video of the
Song, The Way by Fastball and the individual receiving the Video thought it too
sexually suggestive because the Woman was Dancing, she was fully clothed, mind you.
Instead of taking offense, I acquiesced to their wishes determined to refrain from
presenting them with anything they might find offensive, even though it wasn't
to me. I honored their conscience and showed agape this way, even though in the
back of my mind I felt they were being intentionally righteous overmuch. Keep in mind,
I've known these individuals for 15 years.
IMOHP, Kind Regards, Samson.