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Author Topic: Cant stop smoking cigarettes  (Read 17379 times)

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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2009, 05:40:07 PM »

Roy, I believe God has put it in your mind to want to stop. But, now it is up to him to help you do it. I battled with eating problems because of depression. I dealt with that 10 years. Eating had become my life. I had depression cause I could not have children so I thought all I had was food. My Husband was ok with not having children, he was a Boy Scout Leader and helped many boys who had problems. Also, I helped many children that I helped to take care of in the family. If, I had my children I may have not had time for others. So, I know longer held eating as my only Hope. God became my hope.

To this very day I fight wanting to eat the correct things. I have to take medications for pain that makes you crave sweets and food. Only, things they make me crave is sweets. It is a constant battle that. I face. Just like cigarettes, medications can affect us. It is like a two-edged sword. Some days, I over come some are harder. But, the want is in there and I know he is able. Try not to focus so much on it. When, I stopped that God helped me. Even cereals they say are healty have lots of carbs. Carbs are a killer to me. I have diabetes. It makes you hungry. I feel like Ray. Its a battle. I have to read all the labels, however I try and only eat raw foods and cook at home. My Husband likes that better anyways. Eating out is a treat once in a while

But, our God is able. When, he is ready it will help.  I will keep you in my prayers.

In His Love,


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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2009, 06:08:49 PM »

It is amazing how we do things that we know will kill us and the tobacco company gets rich off of it. That alone should make us quit. Yes, we have to hate it with a passion to overcome it.
God took it out of me over night of smoking pot. Now Im saying, God please make me hate this with a passion.I just hope I dont get cancer before I hate it the way I need to. Its very scary.
 Is there never a time that God expects us to give something up rather than expecting Him to take it away? I think I know that answer already from Rays teaching and scriptures. I just dont feel right in getting comfortable about smoking. I want to fight it with all Ive got in me even with it being in Gods timing and hands. I know that I cant do anything on my own but Ive still got some carnal stuff going on with this. Smoking is of the flesh. Excuse me but I just had a thought from my last sentence that I have to pray about and dwell on.
 Thanks for all the input and support.Its all been very helpful.
Peace and love

I started a thread on just that - how to hate sin, a little while ago:  Maybe God can use it to help you.


Roy Martin

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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2009, 06:41:37 PM »

  I felt kind of self centered when I first started this post but now its something different because of something all of you made me feel about all of us. I started to see more into you than I did myself.
Does that make sense to anyone? Its a good thing I feel towards all of you,just dont know how to explain it. Hey Mark,I agree with you, not something to take on the chin w/o a fight.
Anyway, all of you have left me with much to dwell on about others but cant quite put my finger on it.
  Oh and Mark I believe your reply is very accurate, at least I hope so. God bless every one of you.
Peace and love


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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2009, 11:44:59 AM »

Roy, hope you don't mind if I continue this thread. 

As you know, I'm scheduled for my lung scan this afternoon and I've been doing some thinking.  Those thoughts I'd like to post here for your consideration.  Your meaning all who read...

I know something is wrong, but I don't know yet what it is, maybe the scan will show what it is, thus the reasoning behind having one, duh...

Doc wants to rule out spots on the lung.  All this has me mulling it over. 

First of all, the scripture comes to mind about turning a person over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, yet his soul would be saved in the end.  Wow!  Is that happening to me? 

I feel that if there IS a problem, it's my own stupid fault for doing something I've always known might end up killing me.  I don't feel I could ask for prayer to be healed, at least in my mind that would be totally two faced of me.  Is that a thought way off the mark??? 

I'm not worried,,well, not much anyway.  I just feel that if there is something wrong I did it to myself, so take what comes and pay the consequence. 

Another thing. Judgement begins in the house of God.  I'm wondering, should I sort of look at this as God's fire burning this out of me, even if it kills me. (lol, a bit of irony there if you will.)


I hope I'm not out of line here, just expressing what's going on with me about all this.  I'm not boo hooing either.  You know, if it IS God's judgement, you might think it odd of me, but I welcome it with open arms.  Mainly because deep down my greatest desire is to please my Father. 

Gee, do I post this or not?

Yes, I will, I want to see what others, my brothers and sisters in Christ might say...

And thanks. 


Roy Martin

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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2009, 03:06:07 PM »

Joe, I want to hear everything you have to say. Say what you feel, as you have done.
 I hear what your saying, I just am too immature to give you an answer, but we're in the same boat. Im not going to see a doctor yet but its sure to come if Im not delivered soon.
 Is there no way that we can be disobedient to God? Why is there something weighing heavy on me to do something on my part.
 Joe let me know how your test comes out. Ill pray for you for sure.
  This is very confusing to me too Joe. I find it so hard to just lay down and not fight this with all Ive got. Like you said, do something that kills us and as we are dieing we ask God to heal us. So many people out there that are sick and crippled that didnt have a choice, and we choose to go from healthy to cancer, but theres a reason for that beyond my carnal mind. I cant keep from almost hating myself but I know its Gods will and we cant change that. We definitly are being tested by this deadly habit. What are we to learn from this?


Marky Mark

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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2009, 04:01:48 PM »

What are we to learn from this?  Roy

You know, if it IS God's judgement, you might think it odd of me, but I welcome it with open arms.  Mainly because deep down my greatest desire is to please my Father.  jg

Roy and jg, I thought this might be of some help.

2 Corinthians 12

 9 And he said to me: My grace is sufficient for thee; for my power is perfected in weakness. Most gladly; then will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may abide upon me.

10 Wherefore I am well pleased in infirmities, in outrages, in necessities, in persecutions. in straits, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then am I strong. 

2 Corinthians 4

17 For the momentary lightness of our affliction works for us exceeding abundantly an eternal weight of glory,

18 while we look not at the things seen, but at the things not seen; for the things seen are temporal, but those not seen are eternal.




Roy Martin

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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2009, 04:14:38 PM »

Thanks Mark,I needed that. As you could probably see that I was getting very beside myself. I have been through so many trials that it would seem that I could never forget the scriptures you provided.
  I know something is about to happen when it starts gettin down like this.


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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #27 on: March 08, 2009, 06:30:55 AM »

A few days before you started this thread I prayed that God would deliver me from smoking. I've been smoking for 33 years. I've really tried everything and failed. I have been resting and waiting on God for another 8 years since I last tried. A couple of days after I prayed I discovered electronic cigarettes and ordered one. I think it just might help me quit.

I know this might solve some health problems, but I also know that there is something very carnal in me that needs to be dealt with that keeps me in bondage to smoking. I also know that only God can show me what it is and deal with it. I can't even see it.

Psalm 139:
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
       test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
       and lead me in the way everlasting.

Proverbs 20:
27The lamp of the LORD searches the spirit of a man ; it searches out his inmost being.

30 Blows and wounds cleanse away evil,
       and beatings purge the inmost being.

Matthew 23:25-27

 25"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.

 27"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean.

I'm pretty sure smoking is the outside of the cup. I want to fight to clean the outside of the cup so it looks nice and clean, but I know it's the inside of my cup that needs cleaning. Once that is done the outside also will be clean.



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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2009, 10:10:09 PM »

I just wanted to tell you my sister-in law was a smoker and God let her know if she made made it through one day He would do the rest and she did. That first day was very hard for her but after that she was delivered. It sounds just like what He let you know. God bless you!!!

Roy Martin

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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2009, 08:48:16 AM »

Tess, thank you for that.
  I believe all the Scriptures provided in this post and also the replies, but I agree with your story. I know what I felt from the Spirit. God knows when I will make it for one day.
  When I was in prison, me and some guys were sitting outside at a table for thirty minutes or so, I got up to walk away and had an extreme sharp pain in my leg from the knee down. Within and hour or so it was to the point that I couldn't stand at all, much less walk. I layed on my bed all day in bad pain that got worse. I kept thinking how strange this was. I kept thinking there was something supernatural about it. By 6:00 PM it was time for church, a couple guys came by to see if I could make it,I said I cant walk, they were almost out the door when I said, help me walk to the bus, I'm going to church. With one on each side of me, we went to church. As everyone stood to worship, I tried to stand, it was to unbearable so I sat back down, but soon as I did I felt the Spirit say something along this line," your pain is nothing compared to what I went through for you. I immediately stood back up, and sat back down when everyone else did. As I was standing I didn't notice or give any thought to my pain.I also didn't notice it as I was sitting. We stood again to be dismissed, and as I took a step I did it with a limp expecting pain,but it was gone completely. It disappeared as quickly as it came. I'm sure that some will say it was just one of those things, but I know it was God that gave it and took it.

« Last Edit: March 20, 2009, 10:22:45 AM by Roy Martin »


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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #30 on: March 20, 2009, 12:49:37 PM »

Hello Tess, I found your reply to this post interesting. I have now ask God if He could maybe let me know too.
Hello Roy, I have always thought, with guys like you and me, that it may take Him just a bit longer to come through for us. So if that is the case its gonna be worth the wait, hang in there bro, I am, because a lot of trails and tribe's have been coming my way the last few weeks, I have passed with all of them, I know this for sure. Roy, God really does answer prayers for guys like me and you. I have been without my professional drivers licence for many years because the eye doctor told me that my eyes were not good enough now to get it. He said that I would not be able to pass the vision test. So for many years I have been just driving small trucks and vans for a living. I went and did my professional training all over again and I do not know why I did this, because I forgot all about what the eye doctor told me. Two months ago I did the training and now it was time for the written and vision test. What an idiot I am, I said to myself, what a waste of time and money, what a goof I am now remembering what the doc told me. Sitting in my car outside the testing office, and this is true God is my witness, I prayed, I told God that I deserve nothing from Him, but Lord Jesus if You could do me this one tiny favor and make my eyes good enough to pass the test, I would be so grateful to you. That was about all I said , I thought I was just wasting His time and mine. I went in and did the vision test, and I passed. I was so stunned by this, I failed the written test and had to do it again the next day, UNBELIEVABLE. I am now going back to driving big trucks, and all I can say is Thank you Jesus.
         Bless you all.        Ricky
Your heart is God`s gift to you, what you make of it, shall be your gift to Him.


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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #31 on: March 20, 2009, 01:57:35 PM »

Good for you, Ricky.  ;)
I enjoy the big trucks myself.
Jobs are hard to come by out here in AZ right now; an estimated 250,000 people out of work at this time. I applied for a driving job, hauling aggregate, and one of the questions on the application was, "have you ever tested positive for an illegal substance in a DOT or non DOT test. If yes, please explain."
Well, I was honest and entered yes. Marajuana, 1991, non DOT (random test).
Guess what, even with 300K logged miles and 25 years of driving experience, that disqualified me from employment.

Marky Mark

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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #32 on: March 20, 2009, 05:22:05 PM »

Hey Ricky,

Congrats bro...

   At least you did not have to test out for a pilots license :o ;D 8)



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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #33 on: March 20, 2009, 05:47:26 PM »

Hey Patrick & Mark, Thank you so much guys, Mark, that video was so awesome. I downloaded that puppy real quick.  :o
  Bless you Bro`s.     Ricky
Your heart is God`s gift to you, what you make of it, shall be your gift to Him.


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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #34 on: March 20, 2009, 08:12:29 PM »

Wow Patrick that is pretty sad considering we've had presidents who have done far worse and the current head of the IRS neglected to pay his taxes.  Go figure. ???

Ricky, I have been doing the same thing you did.  I have acknowledged my inability to quit smoking to God and promised that if He helped me kick this stinking habit once and for all, I would give all praise to Him!!  We are working on it.  I have cut back considerably.  Glad to hear God gave you your eyes back.  ;)



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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #35 on: March 20, 2009, 11:29:53 PM »

hey guy's
in 1994 i quit drugs and alcohol all in one second never to return not once.
but i didn't quit ciggies till 1999 it was the hardest thing i have ever done and am still doing, i want, crave or what ever you call it every day but i refuse to smoke and you know i minister to truck drivers every day and guess what over 99% of them smoke.
just the other day i was talking to a truck driver and he was telling me that ciggies went up again to over 5.00 dollars a pack and i was looking at the cigarette that he was smoking and it was popping and burning really weird and i said some thing to him about it and he informed me that they only make fire safe ciggies anymore and they burn differant so that if they are thrown out the widow of a car they will not start a fire so easily, that's just one more chemical to the already over abundance of chemicals in them.
you know if you think about it everything that gets burned off in the lake of fire probably smells like an ashtray. if you don't believe me go smell one, they really smell bad and if you smoke?



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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #36 on: March 21, 2009, 02:32:54 AM »

Greetings Roy, I like many other suffer from addiction. I like you ask God every day and night to help me to get over my addiction. Its like being between a rock and a hard place. I been on pain meds for yrs due to serious back problems. If I don't take my meds I am in so much pain I can not work. I have no quality of life. If I don't take my melds for a day or two i start to get sick and go through withdraws. It's terrible. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am a slave to these pain meds. I have read and listen to Rays audio on repentance. I have listen to it everynight for a week straight and I understand that when and only when God is ready to remove this addiction from me that it will happen. It is still so upsetting that I can not do anything about it and I must suffer and my family must suffer. But one day God will releave me of this addiction and until that day I will pray and thank Him for everything He does for me. The Lord will do the same for you Roy. One day you will wake up and not even think about smoking. it will be as if you never did. The Lord works in mysterious ways.



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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #37 on: March 22, 2009, 02:34:51 AM »

Hi guys,
I quit smoking 5 years ago, I had smoked for the previous 25 years. I did a program through smokenders.
The program lasted 5-6 weeks, the guy who was teaching us to quit over the 5-6 weeks told us that it was going to be very easy to quit at the completion of the program, most of us responded with carcastic remarks, because we the class of about 30 all tried to give up many times before with limited success and always ended up back on the smokes.

Shock Horror about the 4-5 week mark, most of us were dying to quit...we couldn't wait for the program to finish so we could throw away the smokes once and for all. BTW the program has a 92% success rate. Trully once I completed the program I quit the smokes so easilly and never looked back. Maybe this is the answer to some of you who are praying for God to help you quit, perhaps our God through my experience will have some of you quit through the smokenders program.....I hope so.

Love you guys ...the smokers and the non smokers  :)


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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2009, 10:35:18 AM »

Some comments from Ray:

I know people who smoke and drink who are fine people. Do most such people have a deep love for the Truths of God and strong desire to live out the Truths of God in their personal lives? No. Not generally. But then again, there are those who are real religious zealots who don't fare much better even without some of these carnal desires of the flesh.
There is no mention of "smoking" in the Scriptures, as it appears to have been a more recent invention of modern times, so I can't give you specific examples of it in Scripture. It is a "lust of the flesh." It produces physical pleasure, but apparently GREAT PHYSICAL DAMAGE to the body. My father smoked for over a half century and died a horrible painful death from emphysema.

Sin is sin regardless of whether "God controls everything," or God

controls nothing.  Sin is lawlessness, missing the mark, coming short

of the glory of God, etc.  God never ever does any of these things. Men

do. God made men so that they would "miss the mark," "fall short," and

be "lawless."  It is not a sin for God to have made man so weak as to

prevent him from having the power to resist sin. There is a great purpose

for God creating man so that he cannot overcome the lusts of his carnal

weak mind, which God created. For the details, read the rest of our site.

God be with you,


God gives us an experience of "evil"--things that are wrong (Ecc. 1:13, Concordant Literal New Testament), so that we will learn and desire to do what is RIGHT.,1189.0.html

There are hundreds of Scriptures that show that God is Sovereign and that man is caused to make his choices by circumstances that ONLY GOD CONTROLS.

It is not true that if you have no free will, then it is God Who does or commits your sins in you. No, YOU SIN BY VOLUNTARILY [NOT "freely" OR WITHOUT A CAUSE] DOING WRONG. You do wrong because you [and me too, sister] were created too spiritually WEAK NOT TO SIN. And it was NOT A MISTAKE [sin] on God's part to MAKE US WEAK so that we sin. He did it for great purpose.

When one sins willfully or voluntarily, it means that he has lost his conscience about those particular sins. He feels no guilt nor shame for committing them.  We all sin, but sin is not to "reign" over us, as Paul admonishes.  When we sin, we should recognize it as sin, and feel shame, and repent, and go on. Once we feel no guilt nor shame, there only remains "judgment" which will assuredly remove (through fiery trials and purging) these "adversaries" that plague the human race. Hope that helps.
God be with you,

Roy Coates

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Re: Cant stop smoking cigarettes
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2009, 12:38:36 PM »

I recommend Chantex for any body tyring to quit smoking. I had very good results, I still don't smoke. It is expensive if you don't have rx coverage(it is not covered under most insurance plans). My wife is giving it ago now and she hopes for the same results as I was given.

I am praying for all those wanting to quit...
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