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Author Topic: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009  (Read 18541 times)

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Dennis Vogel

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Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« on: May 13, 2009, 04:37:51 PM »


Greetings to God’s Elect and Forum members:

I apologize for not updating you sooner on my health.  The reason is that I was hoping to give you a more positive report than I am presently able.  The last six months have been pretty rough with a few better days mixed in from time to time.  What would I do without all of you?  Never in my life have I experienced such a concern and outpouring of love and affection.  I had no idea how many people God has chosen to open their minds to His Truth.  I don’t believe a day has gone by since the September Conference that I haven’t received at least one or more emails or letters from our readers and Forum members wishing me well and praying to God for my healing.  I am truly overwhelmed with gratitude and affection for every one of you!

My life has been full with many experiences.  I have no regrets except for the many stupid sins I have committed during my 68 year journey.  Even our sins, however, are a necessary part of our spiritual development.  There is but one major reason for God to continue my life, and that is to serve all of you and those yet to be called out of this world at this time.  I cherish the opportunity to continue should that be God’s will for my life.

I know a few are disappointed that I have not communicated with them regarding Bible questions and subjects that many want me to do research papers on.  I am sorry, but I just haven’t been able.  When one is sick, exhausted, in pain, itching, coughing, and choking, it’s hard to concentrate on doing research papers. I hope you understand.

I am totally exhausted most of the time.  I continued to have severe pain in my wrist for another month after the September Conference.  Then for a period of three months or more I had a terrible cough where I would cough up mucus maybe a hundred times a day.  At times I would cough for a half hour at a time.  I used 40 to 50 boxes of Kleenex a month.

Miraculously that horrible coughing stopped almost overnight.  One day I said to my wife about mid day, “Have you noticed I am not coughing?”  Wow!  Just like that.  But then I broke out in an ugly rash.  I kiddingly told my medical doctor that after dealing with all my cancer problems, diabetes, arthritis, etc., I now have Leprosy.  He didn’t know if I was kidding or not, however, he could not find anything similar in his thousand page book on rashes.  Dr. Steger (my naturopath) suggested that I may be detoxifying too fast. Actually my medical doctor later agreed that this could be the cause.  I was covered over my back, shoulders, arms and hands with this burning, paining, itching rash of infected boils.  Recently it has spread to my legs. The itch was enough to drive one crazy. Natural salves and ointments did not help, but my medical doctor prescribed something that helped with the itching but not the healing.  These are now beginning to heal on some parts of my body.

Recently festering tumor like lumps the size of grapes developed under my arms—five on one side and eight on the other.  Some fester and others are too deep and just pain.  

For six months following the Conference, I could sleep only 1 to 3 hours a night. I’m not complaining, but rather trying to let everyone know why I haven’t been holding Bible Studies or writing articles or answering very many lengthy email Bible questions.  For nearly two weeks now I am sleeping much better which makes dealing with these other problems a little easier.

Here’s a real doozy:  A couple of weeks ago I began to choke on my food (even water).  I must be extremely careful how I swallow or the food and even water does not go down, but gets lodged part way down my throat.  It takes ten to 30 minutes sometimes to return to normal where I can swallow again.  I have reached the point of passing out several times.  At first it happened every time I ate, but now it is getting some better. I mentioned this to my doctors, but they have not taken any action on this one yet.

As the pain progressed, my medical doctor put me on morphine.  I started taking the prescribed dosage, then twice the dosage, and then three times, but except for getting spaced out, it didn’t help very much.  We then switched to oxycodone which works much better.  Most of my pain is in my bones and joints, however, the boils and some of the infected rash sores are quite painful (they burn like really bad sunburn).  I don’t want to give you more information than is helpful—I am not a pretty sight right now.  Some of the infection spread to my face, but that began to heal up more quickly than the rest of my body.

My PSA continues to rise, albeit at a slower rate.  It was nearing 800 at my last checkup. I will see my medical doctor again in a couple of weeks and have these things checked again.  Right now I am in day four of a ten day liver, kidney, and colon cleanse (this is my second such cleansing).  After a week I can have a baked potato and veggies and then start another cleanse for a few days.  I have lost 70 pounds the past 12 months.

I try to answer everyone as I am able who emails me wishing me well and praying for me.  I have set aside approximately eighteen hundred emails which I will try to acknowledge if I can.  

I hope everyone understands that all the nutrition, detox procedures, and supplements, are only things that I should be doing anyway to help counteract the abuse and neglect of my body for a lifetime.  Remember what I told you last time, how that Paul said:  “But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raises the dead” (II Cor. 1:9).

If I am to be healed, it will be abundantly clear that it is God’s accomplishment, and not mine.  Healing is linked to the forgiveness of sins, and only GOD can forgive sins—that is, to make them go away and nullify their harmful effects (Mark 2:5-12).

I am weary, to say the least, of my weakness, pain, and difficult protocol.  But I assure you that I am not depressed.  There may be death in my flesh, but there is life in my spirit (John 6:63)!  I understand what Paul meant when he said that when he is weak, then he is strong (II Cor. 12:10).  The word “pleasure” in this verse means to approve of and to accept from God, not to have actual enjoyment from the infirmities themselves.

I sense that many of you are also growing stronger spiritually through my infirmities.  I also sense a real hunger for more of God’s Word, now that I have had to put my writing on hold for a time.  If God gives me strength, I have many more things to write about.  I will be doing a critique on the book: 23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Weise.  I will take a slightly different approach to this book than many might think.  I have read the book carefully three times, and I intend to expose more unscriptural and unscientific fraud than you could shake a stick at.  This unscriptural/antiscriptural book is Christian pornography at its worst.  I can’t comprehend how they teach this ungodly filth in front of little boys and girls.

The next Installment of the “Lake of Fire” series will probably be:  “Weeping and Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth.”  I have little but the title so far.  

We will post a feature article near the top of our home page that I think will maybe be the strongest paper I ever have written.  It’s entitled:  “Do You DESPISE the Word of God?”  This paper will do a slam dunk on the idiotic approach of Christian hermeneutics and theology.  You won’t need to attend Bible College or have a degree in religion to understand this paper.  It will show you how to overcome all of the arguments regarding the dozens of false doctrines of the Church by applying a principle that is unbelievably simplistic.

I have about ten pages of notes on an article:  “Is Jesus God?”  This will cover more and different material than I presented at the 2007 Nashville Conference.

For over three years now I have been putting together notes (forty pages) for a paper on: “Was Jesus MADE Sin?”   And a few others………

Dennis has asked me to send him all of my emails of encouragement these past months so that he can post them on the Forum for all to see.  There are way too many, but I’ll give him a many of them, so you can be looking for that in a week or two.  

Nothing is more on my mind than the people God is calling out of this world of religious confusion into His marvelous Light.  As Willie Nelsen sings:  “You are always on my mind…”  Keep the faith.  Keep strong.  Keep praying.  Perhaps God will show us a miracle.

May God be with each and every one of you,


« Last Edit: August 12, 2009, 11:57:54 AM by Dennis Vogel »


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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2009, 05:24:52 PM »

As I sit here reading this, I cannot convey how overwhelmed I am at the power of God to give a man who is in such unimanginable pain (at least to me) such a positive attitude and a beautiful determination to continue with His work.  I am almost speechless, but it says a lot and is an inspiration to me.  It is wonderful to know our prayers are not in vain when it comes to Ray and certainly how mighty our God truly is.


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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2009, 05:26:34 PM »

Thanks Ray,

Just get well and be there for GOD and Family, By His Grace And Mercy.




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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2009, 05:48:18 PM »

Ray, You are always on my Mind and all of us here I am sure.
You are an inspiration to all of us.
All Glory Be To God.

In His Love,


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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2009, 05:58:36 PM »

My heart feels like it is laughing and crying at the same time. Crying for Ray for the suffering he's been through and  is still going through, but laughing because he is experiencing God's healing in some areas, especially the coughing. Also it's great to know how positive Ray is, with plans for more teaching, which we will all benefit from. I continue to pray that a miracle of complete healing is God's will for Ray.
Soit beni,


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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2009, 06:05:40 PM »

Ray!!! You're in my prayers big brother! You always are as God wills! I'm praying with you and with everyone here for that miracle of God!

Ever since i started reading what you wrote ray, my doubts of God's existance have just about completely vanished, but i say this; That if we do see your full recovery, their will NEVER EVER be a doubt in my mind as to God's existance or how loving He truly is! All the glory to Him!

God bless and im praying for you :))

Thanks for encouraging us as well!

Your little brother in Christ,


Marky Mark

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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2009, 06:06:43 PM »


   Thank you for the update.

Your letter to the forum is what we here at BT should aspire to,that is, Your total Commitment to God and Your work of total Unselfishness. My Brother in Christ,you have been Truly Blessed of the Spirit.

In His Love,



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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2009, 06:32:07 PM »

Sometimes I HATE it when I go through the fire, as I most definitely have in recent months. My circumstances are nowhere near as difficult as what Ray is going through, and yet there have been so many times I have just gotten really down about life and about what God has called me to deal with in this life.

Then I read what is happening with Ray and it encourages me to continue on this path God has me on. To be in that much pain and discomfort and yet hope to continue with the work God has given him to do speaks volumes to me.

My life is no picnic right now, but it is the life God has chosen for me. I will continue on this path as long as God enables me to do so.

Even if you don't see this, Ray.. Thank you! I very much appreciate the example you have set throughout this trial. I have no doubt that God's perfect will shall be done in your life. And you know what? I have no doubt His perfect will shall be done in my life as well.  :)


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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2009, 11:40:30 PM »

Wow.  What a blessing to read. Ray is inspiring isn';t he?

May God grant us all the miracle of Ray's complete healing.

I am overwhelmed by the pain that he is in and yet wanting to feed the sheep. God Bless he and his family.


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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2009, 01:35:00 AM »

Ps 23:4  "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:  for thou art with me;  Thy rod and Thy staff comfort me."

What a wonderful example of spiritual strength and complete trust in God Ray is giving us as he walks through this valley of the shadow of death. 

I feel so humbled (as I'm sure we all must as we read his words) that he is thinking and is concerned about us at such a difficult time.

We feel terrible to hear of Ray's sufferings, but can it be that God's spirit is moving him to look to the future and think about the articles he hopes to write?
Let's not lose hope but continue to pray to our Father to heal Ray.  May God's
will be done.

          with love,



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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2009, 01:52:10 AM »

Just want to thank Ray for that inspiring letter.  The first time I read his work  i fell on my face and praised God!  I was so hunger and thankful
  what  he wrote in this letter that really rang out for me was

If I am to be healed, it will be abundantly clear that it is God’s accomplishment, and not mine.  Healing is linked to the forgiveness of sins, and only GOD can forgive sins—that is, to make them go away and nullify their harmful effects (Mark 2:5-12).

our prayers are with you Ray for God to physically heal you  It sounds to me like you are in heavenly place now in the Holy Spirit.  I thank God for the work He has done.  peggy


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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2009, 03:14:35 AM »

thank you dennis for posting the update from ray on his health. with all his pain in his body, and the boils and burning on the outside of his body it surely makes one think of all that the patriarch job went through. and we know how God healed him. the apostle paul is another outstanding example of someone who suffered unimaginable pain in his body and in his life experiences, but God blessed him abundantly through his sufferings, and protected his life. may we all aspire to have the courage to face suffering as our brother ray has. i know he is always on our minds, as is our brother Jesus Christ. the Comforter Spirit of our Savior will be our Strength and our Light as we look to the Scriptures for encouragement and Truth. dear Father, thank you for continuing to show mercy and grace to our brother ray smith, and i pray that You will continue to heal ray of the cancerous scourge which has invaded his body, and heal ray of all the boils and burning rashes, as well as the tumors which have amassed under his arms. i pray that you will heal his prostate and cause the psa to come down to within normal range. i pray that you will increase his stamina and continue to improve his sleep. i pray also Abba Father for ray's manuela. give her physical and emotional strength, and please shine your Grace in her heart. dear Father, we all which you have drawn to the bibletruths website, and the forum inparticular, continue to need your servant ray and all that he still has to bring forth to Your Table. we love him dear Father and our hope is in You. in the name of Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, i offer these specific petitions. may Your Will be done. amen

love in Christ,
« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 04:00:40 AM by cjwood »

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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2009, 05:37:46 AM »

Wow, I feel like I am reading the book of Job here. I too have experienced many crazy illnessess and such where sometimes I have fevers for months at a time and then out of the blue they just leave. Ive had to quit my Job because of all the hospital trips and absolutely no energy and unable to stay awake for any length of time. This along with a cocktail of back problems and sciatica and IBS, etc, etc, etc, but nothing that compares to Rays suffering of all these things at the same time.

Most of the time I deal with one or two things at a time and I used to whine about it all the time but now I just accept it as my lot in life. Amazing how God uses these things to absolutely make us stronger.

It is truly a sad thing to hear of someone suffering in such agony all compounded at once especially. One thing Ray, where you can truly count it all joy is that you have run the race, you're a worker that needeth not be ashamed and this could be Gods way of showing you that its just simply time to rest. He may heal you if its in His will but He also may want you to understand that the world and all of us are not on your shoulders to carry but we are on HIS.

Sometimes in my infirmity I tend to lean on this perception as when God puts His thumb on me I can do nothing at all and I believe that is exactly what He is proving to me and sometimes He just wants me to be still, because in that time I am still (because He makes me still, lol) He gives me understanding from just waiting and listening. Maybe God is simply completing His work in you to bring you unto complete perfection in Him before you recieve the final gift (glorification).

Lets just pray He is giving you that rest maybe retiring you from the work to enjoy some peace and quiet before your appointed time.

Worry not for us Ray, just rest in Him right now, God has demonstrated alot through you and I find He leads me everyday into more understanding by the spirit thanks to what He has accomplished through you already.

May God Bless you and keep you and heal you in His appointed time if it be His will.



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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2009, 08:08:57 AM »

Thank you Ray

God has made you an  inspiration to many,and I would also say
you are as Paul when he said follow me as I follow Christ.



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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2009, 09:57:01 AM »

I really can't add anything to all of the other comments as they have said it all for me.  It just brings me back to the point that Ray has taught on that we can be judged either now or God's choosing.  Ray is going through it now.  It truly humbles me to see the depth of what he is going through but yet with grace and stedfastness.  I only hope that if God chooses such a path for me that I could bear it as well as Ray has done.  And it encourages me to see that in the midst of all this Ray still has desires to continue the work and has so many things in his heart that he still wishes to be able to share with us.  I thank God for him and with all of you pray for Ray's deliverance.  It reminds me of Paul's dilemma;

Php 1:21  For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Php 1:22  But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not.
Php 1:23  For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:
Php 1:24  Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.
Php 1:25  And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith;

God bless you Ray, and may His will be done.  You have been a tremendous blessing for each and every one of us and a spiritual role model to us all. 


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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2009, 01:06:25 PM »

thanks for the update. As I read this out loud to my wife this morning we both choked back tears. Ray you mean so much to us, over the last few years reading and studying your papers it has given us such freedom. The Son has truly set us free indeed. Your faithfulness to teach God's truths as he has revealed them to you, we will always be certain that it was God's Will, We pray that God continue to give strength and peace of mind in your weakness that you and all the elect may know that God is faithful to complete his work. we pray that God would keep you on our minds both day and night to pray without ceasing for comfort and that God's will be done. We certainly understand why you have not posted new teachings but even this update and all the responses is an inspiration and a teaching about how God has knitted us together for such a time as this.
we love you Ray.
Larry (lqover1) and Louann (artsea)


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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2009, 04:36:52 PM »

Dear Ray,

             As I read your description and list of physical ailments that you've endured for the last
             ten months, I couldn't help thinking of Job and his suffering. God's Spirit must be helping
             you have the will to endure and not give up and give in. Most people would have given up,
             not wanting to suffer any longer, Praise be to our God for sustaining you. That constant
             coughing and the itchy boils are an ailment I wouldn't wish on anyone, yet in all your
             suffering, you think of our Spiritual needs by developing other articles for our benefit.

             I don't know of anyone that would do that for others, aside from Jesus, Paul and the
             rest of God's Elect. Sometimes the way I act, I don't deserve any of this and feel shame
             for being who I am.

                                     Thankyou Kindly & Godspeed, Samson.


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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2009, 05:15:46 PM »

I think we are all thinking of Job right about now! When I read this message from Ray I saw something in his words that made my heart soar, I saw a determination that even in sickness he is making plans for the things he still wants to do.

Ray knows that his days are all numbered by God and he will do whatever God calls him to do. I am so glad that he knows he is loved by all of us here. We will all gain strength from knowing that Ray is resting in the hand of God. He is not one to mince words, we have heard him so many times say what God lays on his heart to say. He has given us a sketch of what his life is like right now and thus an outline as to how to pray for him.

I know that God has a plan for Ray and for us all! He has laid out for us a path that God has led us to, now we have to go down this path and wait for God's direction. We will all be brave as Ray has asked and we will not lose faith, and we will be strong! God is revealing light to more and more people all the time through Ray's work. We are called to pray, and to hold fast, the rest is in God's hands! so we... courage,
Kathy :-* :D


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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2009, 11:08:34 PM »

Praying for Ray's miracle.
Thank you Ray for the faith and determination you show during such a trial as this.
May we all be found as faithful.



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Re: Ray's Current Condition - May 13th, 2009
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2009, 07:22:06 AM »

It could go without saying what Ray's site has meant or means to many of 'us', but I feel it apt to share what it has meant to me and my wife and our 3 children in the light of Ray's illness.

I was a pretty good heathen, I'm not perfect now either. I stole from my family, robbed from shops, vandalised property, caused people bodily harm with my fists and weapons, slept around, used drugs, drank till drunk,insulted my parents and terrorised peole with violence as a debt collector, all of which I no longer do praise God and all of which I am fully ASHAMED of before God and men.

Well..One day I went to a church, taken by my 'born again' older brother Keith who was a accomplished guitarist and was now in the church worship group, his past was way more lurid than mine, but I had noticed the dramatic change in him. I was a rock & Jazz drummer and the worship teams drummer had left a year earlier and the chair was still vacant. It was a Pentacostal church, tongues and all,lol, and I was skeptical but felt it was a good place as my brother had changed and was loving attending. It wasn't long before I was the church drummer in the worship team, baptised in water, born again, and singing my socks of.

Little did I know that one of the worship team singers would be the girl of my dreams. Heck little did I know that she would be my lake of fire on earth,lol. I married Helen and we rose over the next 10yrs to be bible study group leaders, youth leaders, outreach leader, and of course worship leaders with our musical abilities. Then one day I was awoken from my sleep with a dream, a prophesy. I was raught with fear, sweating, nothing like this had ever happened to me before it was about 4am on Sunday morning. I tried to shrug the dream of but 3 more times I was awoken and in the end at 6am I went to my gym built off the side of my house and took my bible to pray. I was there till 9am.

I knew that this word was for the congregation and that it wasn't going to be a good one, it still wasn't clear exactly what it was but it sat like a large granite stone in my stomach, I felt increasingly sick. Anyway 10am came and we went to church even though I tried not to go but my wife forced me to go, I kept telling her that something was wrong and that I knew I was going to do something but she wouldn't have it and just said let God be God.

So the meeting began, I could hardly play, I was shaking, I dropped my sticks a couple of times. Then the time of the congregation to praise and speak aloud came just after the worship as it was done every Sunday morning. As people began to speak and read out of the bible in turn then suddenly it hit me, I shot to my feet and rivers of words condeming the Church (all churches) came flooding out of my mouth. I was shouting so loud I could feel my temples bursting, it was over powering me. When I had finished I fell to my knees exhausted and sicker than ever pouring with sweat, it was as if I been is a violent fight like in my past but a 100 times worse. bY THE TIME THE pASTOR HAD REALISED WHAT WAS HAPPENING AND TRIED DESPERATELY TO GET ME TO SHUT UP BY PASSING ME THE BREAD AND WINE, it was over. The room was in a deathly huss untill a minute later a freind of mine fell to his knees and prophesised something confirming my words.

After that day, the church hierarchy tried to smooth things over, but you can't smooth over God's words. I began to ask questions and to question Orthodoxy. My wife was distraught, she had attended the church for 15yrs, it was her life, and we were now having to contemplate leaving as we were increasingly being ostrasized by our supposed fellow congregation mambers and supposed christian friends and brothers and sisters.

One day I just could no longer believe in a God who would send His wayward children to Hell, after all few were more wayward than me and my brother, why should we get saved and not Hitler? So I went to my computer and typed in the Lake of fire and lo and behold Ray's site popped up "Bible Truths". How apt I thought and suddenly I was gripped in page after page of Ray's explinations, false doctrine after false doctrine, was brought to light. I spent a whole week sat infront of my PC, NO WORK, NO SOCIALISING, NO CHURCH,just a whole week with sandwiches infront of my PC reading Ray's teachings. My head fell off! I had only ever before that moment beeen able to look at a PC screen for about 5mins without going dizzy, but for hours and hours and hours I could look at Bible truths. My wife and I then had the biggest argument that we have ever had over 'Freewill doctrine'. We nearly seperated it was that serious. I banged on at her relentlessly as if possessed that freewill was a false doctrine and new light seemed to be gushing into my mind everytime I read one of Ray's teachings and then followed them up in my KJV bible which very soon became a CLNT & an Emphatic Diaglott.

To my releif Helen finally had an epiphany on freewill, it was like a real baptism in fire, we had finlly realised God truly was soverign. I knew what God wanted me to do now, there was no choice, I went into the church one night with my set of keys and packed up my beloved drum kit and left the keys through the letter box. The pastor flew round my house the next day to yet again do a damage control mission but it was too late, to my surprise and the pastors my wife put him right on scripture and read from Jeremiah to him. That wasn't the last of the accusations and defamations that theat church tried to stir in order to cover their shortcomings, but all the time a still small voice inside of me was saying, "Be quite, as my Son was before his accusers."

Today I couldn't be happier in my relationship with Christ or evermore grateful for what he has done, is doing and will do. I still have health problems myself and I can somewhat empathise with Ray's plight. I am truly greatful to Ray and he has been mightily used by God, and trust me that is all the honour any man or woman could hope for in life to be a worthy vessel unto God's grand plan.

If I was still a marine I would salute Ray, but I'm not I'm a soldier for the TRUE gospel of Christ and so I will continue to pray for Ray's recovery, but I will also end my prayer's as I always do, "BUT NOT MY WILL BUT YOUR WILL BE DONE FATHER, AMEN." 



May God continue to bless and use Ray to establish His kingdom and other's like him. May his family be blessed with the strenght to support Ray in this troubled time and may Ray be blessed with more insightful papers.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 07:36:17 AM by jeetkunejimi »
Join me now in my new massive money making business venture, selling asbestos blankets only on Sundays at the exits of Orthodox churches. It's really gonna take off.
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