> First I want to thank God for giving you the wisdom you have and leading
> you to help others, Your knowledge and opened eyes of the truth
> literally rekindled my faith in my own salvation that was destroyed by
> the illogical teachings of the mainstream churchs, I just have one
> question, where do you stand on the belief of this being the end times
> as portrayed by the mainstream christian churchs, I,m sure this is very
> important to many people. Myself I feel god gave us the indications of
> the end times to increase our faith in the last days when the deciever
> is at his strongest.You are the only one out there that Ive seen that
> actually makes sense of many heartfelt issues in many people! Please
> keep up the good work, Sincerely Bruce
Dear Bruce:
What I personally believe doesn't amount to an ant hill. What we need to know is what God believes. Let me give you a LAW that you can live with: "If the Church teaches it, it is probably not true." Remember that. Jesus didn't say that "faith would increase" before He came. Jesus asked if there would be ANY FAITH AT ALL when He returned. I wish that all of you could come to our September Conference in Mobile, as I am going to really hammer home what the Bible says is really important for us to know and do. Too many people are interested in prophecy and all for the wrong reasons. If you can come to understand what it is that God desires of us, we don't need to care one iota as to when the "end" is coming. I vertually never ever think or talk or teach about WHEN the end of this age is, but rather WHAT it is that we need to be doing before it comes, and what we will be doing after Christ returns.
God be with you,