Hi Mr. Smith,
I have read few of your articles with delight and quite frankly they are well written and well documented. There is only one recurring thing I have noticed with you which I find dangerous:
You seemed to have based your entire writings on the non-existence of hell and how God will save the hole world. It appears to me that your theology is solely based on that. If I am right on that supposition then I am afraid your writing may not entirely be objective. I further wonder between you and the Christendom who is most influential therefore who is most used by Satan to propagate false doctrine?
Still I totally agree with some of your writing and do not have contest with you on those.
I pray God who enlightens us and whose spirit teaches us the TRUTH Grace will abound with you so that if and I mean If you find in the future that some of your teachings are erroneous you will be humble enough to correct them for the benefit and salvation of your audience. Perhaps I should put salvation in quotation since all will be saved.
Thank you.
May the God bless you.
Prosper Kuwonu
Dear Prosper:
I assure you that my entire writings are not based on the non-existence of an eternal hell. My entire writings are based on the Scriptures, and since the Scriptures know nothing of an eternal hell of torture, nothing in my writings are based on the non-existence of anything. I comment on the Christian doctrine of eternal hell in teaching the truth regarding God's Judgments. Perhaps you should read my site anew.
God be with you,