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Author Topic: I need a friend to talk to.  (Read 13946 times)

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Re: I need a friend to talk to.
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2007, 06:07:41 PM »

Kat, you've helped me to realize what the problem is. I've been on the computer all morning so I don't have time to write now- but I will tomorrow.

Thank you Sis!

Bless you!


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Re: I need a friend to talk to.
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2007, 06:19:57 PM »

Hello Paula

You wrote

Arcturus, thank you for reminding me that he will not leave us or forsake us. I'm not sure what you meant by It must be really rough on you to know you are not fed by Mystery Babylon.” Was that a sarcastic statement? “….and to think that the sheep are still fellowshipping there and they haven't a clue that they are in the wolves den.” God has not given me a burden for the sheep in Babylon. Does that sound selfish? I know that I can't change anyone mind about what they believe. I would be happy to share with someone who was searching or open to hear spiritual truths though.

What I meant by "it being really rough on you to know you are not fed by Mystery Babylon" was that I understand that it is  frustrating  to be hearing a sermon that is potentially good, getting thouroughly pot holed by heresy and false teaching. I felt disappointment and distance from Christ after hearing such sermons rather than closer to Christ. This happened more and more towards the end of my membership in Mystery Babylon.

Regarding my comment about the sheep in the Church....tonight I was told that a person who shared mutual affection for who was in the Church I was kicked out of, died by electric shock. Last week another person with whom I also shared mutual affection, and who's whole family I introduced to the Church...also died. Both these people left a wife and children. The one family is struggling financially and the other family was not too well off either with the wife having left a very good job to home school her handycapped son.

My thoughts tonight were for these two men who may  have to explain why they believed in Hell and eternal torment which is what they were taught in Mystery Babylon and what they professed to follow while alive. Just how much they believed it is only for God to know! I left the Church a year ago and news of these deaths stalled me.  I really do not think the Pastor knows what he is doing....but of course he doesn't....and it is all of God.

I know that it is not my responsibility to save anyone!

I think you have mis-understood the spirit in which my posts were addressed to you. There was no intention from my side to be sarcastic or hurtful and I hope this makes it clearer for you.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: I need a friend to talk to.
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2007, 07:47:27 PM »

Hi Paula,

Thank you for sharing you're feelings with all of us.  I think we all must go through this same experience.  Once we have been touched by Him and have been in His presence, we are forever ruined by His life.  We have tasted of the Lord, and everthing now pales into insignificance.  We will never be the same and when we aren't in His presence, we feel empty and void.  Remember that darkness must come before light, death before life, but each time that it happens, it makes us stronger in Him. 

These are the same experiences that He went through in His life, and now He's working all His experiences through us.  For as He is so are we in this world.

Love in Him,



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Re: I need a friend to talk to.
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2007, 12:12:04 AM »


Ya, I think He is going to restore your joy in him also.  When I get discouraged in the world, I feel distant from Jesus too, like my cup is being drained!  Then, he gives me rest and fills my cup again.  Your last comment made me think of this.  Psalm 23 is alive and well indeed. 

Love, Lisa


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Re: I need a friend to talk to.
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2007, 02:14:54 PM »


I am so happy that you have found comfort. Please know that you do not need to suffer and feel anguish and pain because this is not the true meaning of suffer.

You did good by reaching out. I would venture to guess, that you are not lonely because of what you walked away from, but rather, lonely for what you are walking towards. Who here can honestly say that they do not long to share the truths and insights that they have learned and been shown with others. All the more so, how wonderful it is to be able to share the same with others who understand and know what it is you are sharing.

This need is not carnal, it is God given. He does not want us to always "be alone" with him, but rather we  should rejoice in his love with one another in person if we are able.

Mat 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Sadly, words on a computer screen are a poor substitute for a warm smile and an embrace from a good friend. I have many such friends, of which I count you one Paula.

Your original post touched my heart, for I know exactly how you feel. :)

May God brighten your heart always,

Live to you my sister,


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Re: I need a friend to talk to.
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2007, 04:02:11 PM »

Darren, what  a sweetheart that you have.  Your love shines and is such a blessing!  Gods' love is obvious in your life! :D


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Re: I need a friend to talk to.
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2007, 07:02:11 PM »

Dear Arcturus,

   I am so sorry to hear that 2 of your friends from church have died. It is hard when someone we know and care about pass on. May this family allow God to comfort them in their sorrow. Were you able to share with these people your new found faith before they died? Whether you did or not it is all of God. It is vain for us to do anything outside the Lord's leading. And in situations like these we have a peace and hope that most Christian's don't have. Praise God!  :)

Concerning your statement about "it being rough not being fed by Babylon" I wasn't sure what you meant that's why I asked. I didn't think you were trying to be hurtful though. I took no offense.

You wrote:
I understand that it is  frustrating  to be hearing a sermon that is potentially good, getting thouroughly pot holed by heresy and false teaching. I felt disappointment and distance from Christ after hearing such sermons rather than closer to Christ. This happened more and more towards the end of my membership in Mystery Babylon.

I don't listen to sermons from Babylon anymore. The last time I listen to a sermon was a couple months ago on the radio, by an old favorite Charles Stanley. I thought, "what could Charles say to offend me, I respect this guy." Well by the end of his sermon he was talking about hell. I don't remember exactly what he said but it was stuff like we have to choose God or go to Hell. It totally discounted God's sovereignty and I was so mad! My husband was in the car and I got on my soap box and started refuting Charles with a passion!
Anyway it helped me to realize that I can't listen to Orthodox Christian teaching anymore!

I hope you don't feel like I was preaching to you about the joy thing, that wasn't my intent. I just got on a roll and was blessed to look up the scriptures on joy and wanted to share them.  :)

Thanks again for taking the time to respond to my post. I appreciate it!

Bless you!  :)



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Re: I need a friend to talk to.
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2007, 07:46:47 PM »

Hello Paula

Thank you for your concern and questions.

No. The family's of whom I spoke about, rejected our stand against their beliefs even before they were crystallised, deepened and beautifully articulated by Ray and by coming to Bible Truths only after we were rejected by the Church Pastor.

The wife of the person who was electrocuted, was very deep into "deliverance" ministry. From the start I did not have anything in common with her beliefs as she seemed to see, want to focus on and talk only about Satan. It was infuriating for me at the time as I did not have the strength or wisdom to know that what was holding me back was my belief and acceptance of free will and eternal hell too!

The other woman who lost her husband, rejected me to follow the apparent illusion of support from the Pastor who happens to be a multimillionaire. It was an ultimatum I think and the carrot at the end of the Pastors stick was a job for her husband. The Pastor has got lots of carrots! He is a carrot farmer!

My husband and I left the fellowship of his Church because we were no longer welcome as we were using the word of God to refute their traditions and to correct their beliefs. I thank Jesus for leading us out the hard way as we did have affection for the members even though we felt the brunt of rejection at the end. We blame no one. We know it is all of God humbling us.

The question of going to the funerals became the next topic of discussion between myself and my husband. We looked at our motives. Why should we go?  Why would we partake of what is going to be a very painful and an emotionally charged assembly that does not want us there and who will bring about Heresy at its best! We do not want to mix the feelings we have with the vulgarities of tradition. So we have decided to send a message and remain out of proximity of the traditions of man. This is very personal. I am not preaching or advocating that we do away with funerals. If my loved ones die I will certainly go to their funeral but that is where the boundary for me is drawn. Others may feel differently. This is not about being right or wrong either. It is just where I am.

As for your explanation about writing all the scriptures. I appreciate it. I did not know that you were aroused in the spirit of Scripture and I am glad you were and that you felt the joy of what you wrote. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, and it is a real experience to have scriptures aroused in our souls that we can share. It is a blessing. It is like eating. I eat alot here! The banquet is wonderful!

Thank you for your fellowship and for understanding

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: I need a friend to talk to.
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2007, 10:14:18 PM »

Hi Paula,
You have a tremendous responsiblity with 5 young children, to homeschool and take care of all the nessecary household duties.  And of course you also want to teach your children the truth.  Maybe you could bring them all together at a certain time each day, to read Bible stories, with your own added understanding as needed.  You can't expect to always see the benefits of this, but you can't always tell what those little minds are picking up.  After lunch may be good for this, as the younger one may decide to nap  :)
I feel it is vital that you find time for Bible study and pray.  If you have not yet read all of BT articles, I would suggest to use this as a source of Bible study.  There are so many important Bible principles you need, that it will give you a great base of understanding that will help you.  I have found that reading the articles have opened my eyes to spiritual understanding that I was not able to gain by my own studies.  And now I have gained enough understanding, that I can now apply it to my own studies, and I am amazed at what I can 'see'. 
I must say that I have to stay in the Word to feel this spiritual oneness with Christ.  When I involve myself with other things, I began to feel the closeness fade, but it returns when I return to the Word.
I pray your heart may be encouraged.

Col 2:2  that their hearts may be encouraged as they are knit together in love, to have all the riches of assured understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, of Christ,
Col 2:3  in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

mercy, peace, and love


   You hit the nail on the head so to speak. I'm sure it must be a common problem with mothers. I'm busy all day with managing my home and tending to my children and then in the evening when my husband comes home he needs my attention. I don't take any time for myself for my spiritual well being.

I have tried a morning quite time when I wake up before everyone to spend time in the word but it has never worked out. For one I am not a morning person I need time to wake up and by that time everyone is awake. I have done a morning reading with a one year Bible but it is hard to focus after the children are awake so it just felt like a duty.

I do have a time of prayer and Bible reading with the children before we start school in the morning though I am not always consistent. Also we take a weekly sabbath day for family time, Bible study, singing and prayer. (Not in a legalistic way though.)

I have read all the BT articles and email on the main page with the exception of the newest one on Hell part D. I'm sure it would do me good to review the articles from time to time though.

It might seem like enough that I read scriptures on the forum and elsewhere and look up verses occasionally but, for me, I realize now that it is not. I appreciate what you wrote:

I must say that I have to stay in the Word to feel this spiritual oneness with Christ.  When I involve myself with other things, I began to feel the closeness fade, but it returns when I return to the Word.

I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good and I know the joy of His presence.

Dwight described it so well:
Once we have been touched by Him and have been in His presence, we are forever ruined by His life. We have tasted of the Lord, and everything now pales into insignificance. We will never be the same and when we aren't in His presence, we feel empty and void.

I believe that God has caused me to feel this distance so I would understand the need to abide in His Word for the joy of His presence in my life, not out of a sense of duty.

Thank you all for helping me to see that.

Bless you All!  :)

« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 02:20:59 PM by PKnowler »


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Re: I need a friend to talk to.
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2007, 11:01:19 PM »

Hey M.G.,

   Thank you so much for writing. I know you have had your time in the dessert. I am thankful for your friendship. Yes, that is a beautiful scripture to give comfort while going through the dessert. I liked the verse:  2 It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the LORD, and the excellency of our God.

There are so many wonderful scriptures of comfort and blessing in the Word. Thank you for sharing.  :)

Hi Paula,
           Wow!! I hear & Feel for U sister, & ur probably goin yep & now wot? lol!, But! personally! I know that feeln wen GOD seems so far from U & yet U are doing everything righteously! well as much as Possible, I just know!! U are to Keep! ur Faith!, just talk with HIM always, every second, every minute, every week, every month, every year & with everybody U talk to about HIM & ur experiences HES given & wot HES did for U & ur family.I garuntee U, U will feel HIS AwesuM!! Presence around always again, & Keep PRAISING!! HIS name, Worshipping!! HIS lyrics constantly, Play CDs, read the Word! even when U dont feel like it (seems to be the Best time) lol!, muchLOVE!! to U Paula from the bottom of my Heart n JESUS! mighty!, Glorious!, Amazing! name Amen! & Amen!


   I wasn't going to forget to thank you for writing. Your post brought a smile to my face.  :) You gave some good advice! To experience the pleasure of His presence we need to Praise & Worship Him and read His Word. The Love of God radiates from your post! Thanks for sharing with me.

Bless you!  :)



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Re: I need a friend to talk to.
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2007, 01:48:03 AM »


   Thank you so much for being my friend!  :) I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and insights with me.

You wrote:
I would venture to guess, that you are not lonely because of what you walked away from, but rather, lonely for what you are walking towards.

Yes, I am longing for fullness in my relationship with the Lord beyond what I am now experiencing.

You wrote:
Who here can honestly say that they do not long to share the truths and insights that they have learned and been shown with others.

Of course I would like to share the truths and insights I've learned here but I don't want to spend my time trying to convert anyone, except maybe my husband  :) and I've learned how unfruitful that can be.  ;D
I think that is part of the freedom of coming out from under orthodox teaching, it is understanding God's sovereignty in man's salvation. For so long I believed that I had to convert people to "the truth" or they were lost and going to hell.

You wrote:
All the more so, how wonderful it is to be able to share the same with others who understand and know what it is you are sharing.

There is something so wonderful about like minded fellowship. It is such a blessing! I praise God for this forum!

Mat 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

You wrote:
Sadly, words on a computer screen are a poor substitute for a warm smile and an embrace from a good friend.

I am totally content with the fellowship that I have found on this forum even if we haven't personally meet  I feel like I know you all in spirit.

You wrote:
I have many such friends, of which I count you one Paula.

I consider you a good friend too Darren, thanks!

Bless you Bro!  :)



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Re: I need a friend to talk to.
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2007, 12:12:52 PM »

You are more than welcome Paula, for you too are very much a friend to me. :)

Oh, I know exactly what you mean about knowing each other in spirit. This is truly amazing because in speaking over the phone with various brothers and sister, the feeling is like talking to "old" friends. :)

How wonderful it will be to meet everyone one day in person. Sometimes sooner would be better than later.....:)

Love to you in Christ,
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