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Author Topic: Peter Walks On Water  (Read 6851 times)

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Peter Walks On Water
« on: September 13, 2007, 11:50:55 AM »

I have been wrestling with the right way to blend the idea of not being under the law, yet not being lawless.Eventhough I know we are not under the law we still follow the law or practice it. In Fact of the Ten Commandments, I believe we follow nine of them strictly, or physically. The one law we do not practice literally is the Sabbath.So early this morning as I found myself wrestling with this,I thought about Peter walking on water.Matthew 14 vs28-33. Here is my thought I submitt to you to see if it holds water.No pun intended.I believe that this is a good illustration of following the law as we follow Jesus. When we follow Jesus we can walk where he walked, do what he did. Jesus could walk on water, Peter or you and I can not. Jesus said that he came to fulfill the law,and he did just that. You and I can not make this claim. So imagine if you will that Jesus walking on water was him fulfilling the law,and Peter saying Lord bid me to come was him following after him or also fulfilling the law. Now when Peter's faith failed, or he looked away from Jesus or any number of ways you can put it, which amount to the same thing. When he stopped following Jesus he fell,failed.So then without trying to make this this scripture literally mean what I have asked you to imagine it meaning. The only point I want to test before you is.Isn't following Jesus all we need to do.As well as all we have to do in following the law and his commandments. For his commandments now are no more physical, dogmatic, do's and don'ts but rather spiritual.Matthew 5 vs 17-48. These commandments which Jesus commands bring out the Spirit,or intent of the law,without dismissing the law altogether. Jesus later tells us or shows us how to know that we are walking in and by his commandments by simplifying the law in Matthew 7 vs 12,Matthew 22 vs 34-40. So does this hold water?


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Re: Peter Walks On Water
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2007, 08:03:17 PM »

I have found that Rom.7 & 8 give a good understanding of the harmony of the law and the law of righteousness. 7:12,14 clearly states that the law is good and spiritual. 8:4 also speaks of the righteous requirement of the law being fulfilled in us - who walk according to the spirit. My attention is specifically drawn to 7:7-14. This explains the situation with Gen. 2:16,17. Sorry I haven't referred to the Peter topic exactly, but it ties in nicely. I agree that if we follow Christ, we will be amazed.


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Re: Peter Walks On Water
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2007, 09:20:16 AM »

lemme see if i am "getting the point"   SO the lesson of peter doign the walking, was a type of our lives following the Lord?

Sorta a object lesson about how first Christ did the work and was the Power of the Holy SPirit int he flesh, and we cannot BE that Power, but by following the Lord in obedience and keeping our eyes on him in relationship, the Power of the SPirit can opperate thru us????

Of course i dont mean to stress the OUR DOING part (ie we keep out eyes on therefore WE can have the spirit do thru) as if we had the control of the matter.  Seeing as how it was nothign Peter could DO  that he could claim was his doing........even the obedience onhis part was granted..........he begged Jesus,  please let me, wooooo you let me WOW JE__- glub glub.............

as a former eastern thinker, i can see much beauty in this object lesson.

he had the Power of life flowing thru him but as soon as he noticed it, glub glub. Following our lord is not a matter of seeing what we do, but of continaul focus on Our Lord.


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Re: Peter Walks On Water
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2007, 09:49:17 AM »

Hi Son of One,

You are right when you say that Christ fullfilled the law.

Mat 5:17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 

Which means exactly as it say's. :) Just because the requirements of the "law" are fulfilled, does not mean that we can now steal, murder, etc without fear of retribution. For the statutes are still in place. So what changed? Well with the coming of Christ and ultimately the sharing of the Spirit came about a paradigm change in thinking.

No longer were there laws "forbidding" certain acts, etc; as in times of old. Now the Spirit of Truth began to work in the hearts of men and women, and the fruits of the Spirit ABSOLUTELY guarantee the keeping of the old laws. Where once, one may not steal for fear of punishment, now there is simply no desire to steal.

As for Peter walking on water, I think you nailed it very well. I do not think that Peter ever had enough faith to even stand for a second (my opinion only) but be this as it may; he did stand long enough to feel what it is like to lose ones faith. I have no doubt believing that I could walk on water if my faith is strong enough. The sad thing is, I could think and believe that "if God wanted me to walk on water" then I would. It could also be said that if God wanted me to have faith enough, then I would too. :) But I don't buy this at all, even if it might be true.

The simple fact is that my faith is sadly lacking, because I know that should I try, I would sink. Yet if I had faith the size of a mustard seed, I could throw a mountain into the sea, causing a huge tsunami :) Oops!!

Great discussion.

Love in Christ,
« Last Edit: September 14, 2007, 12:20:52 PM by YellowStone »


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Re: Peter Walks On Water
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2007, 01:29:20 PM »

Here's another little point. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Whatever is not of faith is sin. So, it is only when Peter heard and responded to the Lord's command to "come," that he was able to walk on water. Often times we want to do things for the Lord, or to do things we think he wants us to do, but unless he gives us the command, we will fail. If we hear God tell us to move a mountain, we should have no doubt that it will be moved. If we don't hear God tell us to move the mountain, no matter how hard we try, believe, beg, it will not move. It is only in response to the voice of God that "mountains move." We must also check the motives of our hearts. Why did Peter want to walk on the water so bad? Was it because he just wanted to experience the act himself? Or more likely was it because he wanted to be where Jesus was? I think it was initially the latter. Maybe he looked away from the Lord to marvel in himself, and then was overcame by fear and began to sink. We too must gaurd our hearts from spiritual pride and keep our motives in check. Marvel not in the works, but rather rejoice that our names are written in the book of life (relationship w/Christ). Final point, God will remove our heart of stone (sinks us) and give us a heart of flesh (keeps us afloat) as we walk on the sea (as mentioned in Rev.17:15).


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Re: Peter Walks On Water
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2007, 01:41:46 PM »

Hi Gregor,

A very profound insight Brother!

I really believe you nailed it, it mirrors our walk exactly, He calls us, we come to Him, we begin to look (taking our eyes off of Him) at our own progression , works, status, whatever and we sink, fast.

We cry His name finally realizing, we - just - can't - do - it - on - our - own.

He extends His hand to pull us back, and save us.


His Peace to you,



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Re: Peter Walks On Water
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2007, 01:56:02 PM »

Gregor and Joe,

Isn't it interesting that a few paragraphs shared between brothers in Christ explains and defines more about God than all the great libraries full of theologians commentaries.

Thanks to both of you,  Bob


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Re: Peter Walks On Water
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2007, 01:59:27 PM »

Amen Bob!

Praise God for generously blessing us.



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Re: Peter Walks On Water
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2007, 01:58:48 AM »

Lately I've been pondering what the difference is between just living in the spirit, and walking in the spirit. I really love the story of Peter walking on the water. One thing that I recently realized is that even after Peter took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink, and after Jesus reached out to save him, Peter still had to walk again back to the boat. What this means to me is that even when I've taken my focus off Jesus, cried out to him and he picks me up, I still need to keep walking (with Him) until I'm out of danger. I can't afford to just live. Where the spirit leads, I must follow. What would have happened if Peter had decided to stop walking, and Jesus then went into the boat alone? Peter assuredly would have sunk again, missed the boat so-to-speak. Perhaps this is a lesson in perserverence? Maybe it relates to the parable of talents? Any thoughts?
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