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Author Topic: SOUTH AFRICAN SPRINGBOKS  (Read 6179 times)

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« on: October 21, 2007, 05:34:39 AM »

South Africa played against England in Paris last night. 80 thousand supporters were there. The Match for the World Cup was brilliant.  ;Oh ....they were playing Rugby. :D  Not a game for the timid and shy.  :o Our boys played like one body. It was quite amazing to watch and it displayed for me that quite aside from skill, endurance, tenacity and courage, that the team that has the victory is the one who plays as one team spirit. Rather like here in the Forum.  ;D We all have our positions of play against the powers and principalities and we are each unique and valuable to the body of like minded players for that Victory in Christ against the World.

It was quite emotional to watch our boys come home with the world cup. Like it will be to watch each other receive that Crown of Glory. Our Captain, Coach and Trainer is Christ. He owns the Team. For me Ray Smith is the General of the Team as Scrum Half who decides which way the ball goes defense or attack.  The Mods are the full half defense. Quite a game. Every post we post is like a move on the field of the bigger game!

Some of our heroes came away with broken faces, bleeding noses and the match was in full view of the digital cameras that could replay a move or shot for evaluation and judgment. Like all our actions and thoughts, moves we make and decisions we take will too, be in the full view with no secrets hidden or motives undisclosed in the presence of Christ and His Angels. Nothing we say or do think or feel is off the record.

We too can play to win.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2007, 06:22:16 AM by Arcturus »


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« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 12:08:21 PM »

Hooray Springboks 

I been going to high school football games every friday night (my daughter is a cheerleader), and I have drawn parallels between the game and the body of Christ too.  I heard it said durning the games, 'well that play just lost the game,' when a play failed. Or when a player scored in the final seconds, 'that won the game.'  That is not true, it is how the whole team has been playing for the whole time period.  One player does not win or lose the game.  If we stumble, we have to get up and keep going.  If we are able to accomplish something great (only by Christ), we can not sit back and relax until the game is over.
The whole team celebrates the win together, even those on the sidelines. 
I think that is like the body of Christ, we all work together now striving for the prize/victory.  We will all celebrate together at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Rev 19:9  Then he said to me, "Write: "Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!"' And he said to me, "These are the true sayings of God."

mercy, peace and love



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« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2007, 01:02:48 PM »

Thanks Kat.

I think there are parallels to all team sports and it is a joy to see the winners win!  ;D

 The sad thing is that the World Cup for Rugby was the last game that the South Africans will play where the team players were selected on merit. From now on players will be selected by due process of political majority.

Next week the Lions play against the Cheetars here in SA.  :-\

It must be thrilling to see your lovely daughter singing and dancing her heart out! Good practise for the Kingdom!

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2007, 01:04:42 PM by Arcturus »


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« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2007, 05:00:00 PM »



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« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2007, 05:37:53 PM »

Janice - great "Cheerleading" section Go Team BT   8)

Rugby is a great sport  :D  No substitution of players, nor time-outs permitted!

- jER


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« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2007, 11:50:51 PM »

You go girls!!!  What analogies...I love it!   Yes, when the moment arises for those who must face the white throne judgement, all the Lord will have to do is to hit the 'replay or rewind' button and ...there is our unrepented is all right there!  Be careful b/c our  TONGUE will  be the witness for our very lives!! :P :P :P :P :P :-\ ;) :)   KEEP RUNNING THE RACE  BRETHREN!!!! :)  IT'S ALL ABOUT TEAMWORK...

Luv the smiley faces too ;D


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« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2007, 03:40:57 AM »

South Africa played against England in Paris last night. 80 thousand supporters were there. The Match for the World Cup was brilliant.  ;Oh ....they were playing Rugby. :D  Not a game for the timid and shy.  :o Our boys played like one body. It was quite amazing to watch and it displayed for me that quite aside from skill, endurance, tenacity and courage, that the team that has the victory is the one who plays as one team spirit. Rather like here in the Forum.  ;D We all have our positions of play against the powers and principalities and we are each unique and valuable to the body of like minded players for that Victory in Christ against the World.

. Nothing we say or do think or feel is off the record.

We too can play to win.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)

Hi Arcturus!  Your comment about your rugby team playing "like one body" immediately brought to my mind's eye the image I saw once of seagulls, and once of swifts, all flying "as one body".  They'd be "sitting down" or flying as a group, and move in aerial spirals from one location to another, all without colliding with one another!!  Also, my husband saw one day last week or so, six different V-shaped flights of gabbling, honking wild geese flying overhead southward in one day.  That experience reminds me of a saying that goes something like this : "The same Spirit that causes birds to fly south in the autumn, squirrels to store acorns, also moves in us humans."

It is so exciting to be here among you all, all of us striking off in the direction of striving to have God's Divinity manifesting Itself in our lives in every which way possible, and foiling the schemes of satanic forces as they try to control our minds and habits.  GOD FIRST....GOD IN THE MIDDLE....AND GOD LAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  EVERY DAY!!

LOVE to ALL of you!    :D   Go for the GOLD !!



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« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2007, 03:15:34 PM »

You describe that so beautifully Linda. It reminds me also of a time I heard a swoosh swoosh swoosh above me at dusk and there above me were a v formation of the most exquisite storks with blue grey wing tips flying in the most elegantly unobtrusive style. Their long necks delicately balanced in fragile appearing precision to make for an articulately moving experience of watching them from the ground.  Jesus Christ has made some breath taking scenarios for us to drink in from parched and thirsty souls for His Presence. These times of unexpected beauty lift and confirm to us His Majesty and Greatness.

Thank you all for your participation and insights on this thread. His formation taking shape as we encourage each other in witness of HIM.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2007, 04:43:27 PM »

 It reminds me also of a time I heard a swoosh swoosh swoosh above me at dusk and there above me were a v formation of the most exquisite storks with blue grey wing tips flying in the most elegantly unobtrusive style. Their long necks delicately balanced in fragile appearing precision to make for an articulately moving experience of watching them from the ground.  Jesus Christ has made some breath taking scenarios for us to drink in from parched and thirsty souls for His Presence. These times of unexpected beauty lift and confirm to us His Majesty and Greatness.

Thank you all for your participation and insights on this thread. His formation taking shape as we encourage each other in witness of HIM.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)

O Arcturus!!  How FORTUNATE you were to get to see and hear those storks!!!!!!!!!   I LOVE Nature's Beauties SO MUCH!   They absolutely paint my soul with swaths of rainbow FEELINGS of intense pleasure at getting to SEE THEM!!!    :D :D :D    8) 8)

Imagine what it'll be like to get to see HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2007, 04:51:14 PM »

Thank you for the encouragement Linda to anticipate, expect and be constantly excited and waiting to see HIM!

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)
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