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Author Topic: 2012?  (Read 15508 times)

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Re: 2012?
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2008, 07:26:50 PM »

Just some thoughts and questions going through my mind. ....

Does "Our generation shall not pass away.... We shall not pass away.... We shall not see death but in a twinkling of an eye we too will be changed" ...mean that even if we die we will still in that twinkling of an eye, from the not knowing state of death as in sleep, we too will  next see the return of Christ with His Elect when we too are raised to the return of Christ who is the Resurrection?

Are we who see "these things"  are we not that generation upon whom the ends of the age have come? We can not deny that we do see clearly what Ray has said and what he means is the Truth.

When do the ages end? When at last we SEE?

Does the ends of the age come only upon and to those who see their redemption drawing near? Are the ends of the age upon those who look up in seeing these things, they look up ABOVE THE CARES OF THE WORLD to expect the return of Christ with His Elect in excitement and anticipation. Would it not be to those who DO LOOK UP and run out to meet Him, would it not be to them who He appears ahead of His return to rule the earth?

For those who look down and are choked by the cares of the world, how can they see, and believe  the ends of the age for them are marked out in their continuing correction in their resurrection to judgment in the LOF that is to come with the Presence of Christ AFTER He has returned to the earth?

I believe that there are many who will still not know Christ when He returns and I am not talking about the Muslems or the Hindus either! Some will be experiencing the fire as catastrophy and others will be in it and seeing the Presence of Christ and in the consuming fire of God will they survive being brought to experience God and learn His righteousness so entering the Kingdom of God ahead of many who think they derserve it but will enter in last for cleaving to the spirit of entitlement.

1 Thes 4 : 16 for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud cry of summons, with the shout of an archangel, and with the blast of the trumpet of God.

Note : a) He will DESCEND with a loud cry of SUMMONS.

Maybe only some will hear that cry of summons. Maybe some only will be summoned and get the summons!

b) The shout of the archangel.....Maybe some will be warned and will look up then. This reminds me of the Magi. They knew to follow the star to the Presence of Christ. They saw it!

c) the trumpet of God. Well who can NOT hear that! Then it is too late and the reign of Christ is here! No going back then and then will it be that the physically dead in Christ who have departed this life in Christ...will rise! WOW this really makes me think!

Can it be that these three occassions of announcment happen all together or in sequence throught he ages?

questions questions questions!

Peace be with us all

Arcturus :)

« Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 07:33:47 PM by Arcturus »


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Re: 2012?
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2008, 09:33:19 PM »

I heard that this isn't going to be a catastophic event, that it is the beginning of the age of aquarius, and that the exact beginning of this new age will be at the time 11:11.  I suspect that it is total bullcrap though for many different reasons.  Remember that "the wisdom of this world is foolishness".  And it is of course totally pagan.  I can't wait to see what this "new age of enlightenment" will be exactly,  and I can't wait to know why it is foolishness, and stupid, and total bullcrap.  It's probably going to be rediculous.


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Re: 2012?
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2008, 01:08:53 AM »

I heard that this isn't going to be a catastophic event, that it is the beginning of the age of aquarius, and that the exact beginning of this new age will be at the time 11:11.  I suspect that it is total bullcrap though for many different reasons.  Remember that "the wisdom of this world is foolishness".  And it is of course totally pagan.  I can't wait to see what this "new age of enlightenment" will be exactly,  and I can't wait to know why it is foolishness, and stupid, and total bullcrap.  It's probably going to be rediculous.

Pot calling kettle black? So what if it's 'totally Pagan'? This is more than just a belief, the Mayans actually predicted something quite accurately--have you ever accomplished such a feat?
Albeit it's not the end of the world I'm talking about, but what is going to happen to the sun.

So no, it's not 'total bullcrap'.



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Re: 2012?
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2008, 02:19:04 AM »

I heard that this isn't going to be a catastophic event, that it is the beginning of the age of aquarius, and that the exact beginning of this new age will be at the time 11:11.  I suspect that it is total bullcrap though for many different reasons.  Remember that "the wisdom of this world is foolishness".  And it is of course totally pagan.  I can't wait to see what this "new age of enlightenment" will be exactly,  and I can't wait to know why it is foolishness, and stupid, and total bullcrap.  It's probably going to be rediculous.

Pot calling kettle black? So what if it's 'totally Pagan'? This is more than just a belief, the Mayans actually predicted something quite accurately--have you ever accomplished such a feat?
Albeit it's not the end of the world I'm talking about, but what is going to happen to the sun.

So no, it's not 'total bullcrap'.

Sorin, englighten me. What did the mayans predict accurately?

Chris R

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Re: 2012?
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2008, 04:30:41 AM »

Just some thoughts and questions going through my mind. ....

Does "Our generation shall not pass away.... We shall not pass away.... We shall not see death but in a twinkling of an eye we too will be changed" ...mean that even if we die we will still in that twinkling of an eye, from the not knowing state of death as in sleep, we too will  next see the return of Christ with His Elect when we too are raised to the return of Christ who is the Resurrection?

Are we who see "these things"  are we not that generation upon whom the ends of the age have come? We can not deny that we do see clearly what Ray has said and what he means is the Truth.

When do the ages end? When at last we SEE?

Does the ends of the age come only upon and to those who see their redemption drawing near? Are the ends of the age upon those who look up in seeing these things, they look up ABOVE THE CARES OF THE WORLD to expect the return of Christ with His Elect in excitement and anticipation. Would it not be to those who DO LOOK UP and run out to meet Him, would it not be to them who He appears ahead of His return to rule the earth?

For those who look down and are choked by the cares of the world, how can they see, and believe  the ends of the age for them are marked out in their continuing correction in their resurrection to judgment in the LOF that is to come with the Presence of Christ AFTER He has returned to the earth?

I believe that there are many who will still not know Christ when He returns and I am not talking about the Muslems or the Hindus either! Some will be experiencing the fire as catastrophy and others will be in it and seeing the Presence of Christ and in the consuming fire of God will they survive being brought to experience God and learn His righteousness so entering the Kingdom of God ahead of many who think they derserve it but will enter in last for cleaving to the spirit of entitlement.

1 Thes 4 : 16 for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud cry of summons, with the shout of an archangel, and with the blast of the trumpet of God.

Note : a) He will DESCEND with a loud cry of SUMMONS.

Maybe only some will hear that cry of summons. Maybe some only will be summoned and get the summons!

b) The shout of the archangel.....Maybe some will be warned and will look up then. This reminds me of the Magi. They knew to follow the star to the Presence of Christ. They saw it!

c) the trumpet of God. Well who can NOT hear that! Then it is too late and the reign of Christ is here! No going back then and then will it be that the physically dead in Christ who have departed this life in Christ...will rise! WOW this really makes me think!

Can it be that these three occassions of announcment happen all together or in sequence throught he ages?

questions questions questions!

Peace be with us all

Arcturus :)

Hi Deb,

Yep there Good questions, wished i could help you out, but i'm clueless.
I'm sure God will reveal his ultimate plan of judgment, in His own time.

Thanks for the article Kat, It clears up some of the mystery, i had read it or heard it before, The sequence of these events are where I can get confused.

I dont really dwell on the infinite possibilities of scriptural prophecy, and i dont think you could get 10 men to agree on any given point.

But we do know "that day" will be unlike any other, nothing since, nor nothing after will compare to what happens when Christ returns, it will be a event so staggering, so conclusive, so un-imaginable...that the world deffinatley will shake.

If "that day" is one day or a thousand mind is unable to comprehend it.


Chris R



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Re: 2012?
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2008, 08:55:12 AM »

:) At some point, I realized that the question for me became, not when would the WORLD end....but when would MY world end?

Obviously....when it does, I will finally get some much needed sleep... :) heheh!

so I quit worrying about it all!

I know that this doesn't answer your questions, guys....just thought I'd throw that into the mix!

Have a happy day!
Joyce :)


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Re: 2012?
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2008, 02:20:54 PM »

"Sorin, englighten me. What did the mayans predict accurately?"

They accurately predicted that the December Solstice Sun will be lining up with the center of our Milky-Way Galaxy.
This is a very rare cosmic alignment, it happens once every 26,000 Years.

Every 26,000 years our sun aligns with the center of the Milk-Way, at this same time another extranomical rarity occurs, the earth completes a wobble around it's axis. This phenomena is called precession.

They also accurately predicted when they would be overrun by "white-skinned bearded gods" {Europeans} from across the ocean.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 02:28:40 PM by Sorin »


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Re: 2012?
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2008, 04:46:05 PM »

"Sorin, enlighten me. What did the mayans predict accurately?"

They accurately predicted that the December Solstice Sun will be lining up with the center of our Milky-Way Galaxy.
This is a very rare cosmic alignment, it happens once every 26,000 Years.

Every 26,000 years our sun aligns with the center of the Milk-Way, at this same time another extranomical rarity occurs, the earth completes a wobble around it's axis. This phenomena is called precession.

They also accurately predicted when they would be overrun by "white-skinned bearded gods" {Europeans} from across the ocean.

I'm very sceptical about any so called predictions of the future. When scrutinized most of these predictions tend to be very vague, and can be attributed to any number of cosmic or worldly events throughout history. Perfect example is Nostradamus. Most of what he predicted never even happened, those things he supposedly predicted accurately were very vague and cryptic, leaving much to the imagination.
If the Mayans were so pin point accurate in their knowledge of the future, why didn't they leg it when the "white bearded gods" invaded them? Surely if their knowledge of the future were so accurate, they could have foreseen that they would be wiped out in the tens of thousands and ran to the hills for safety??
I think I'll just go along with what the scriptures say on this issue...
Ecc 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.
Deu 18:20 But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.’

As far as I am concerned the scriptures are clear, if anyone be given the gift of prophesy, it is of God. If someone is prophesying falsely or speaks in the name of other pagan gods, God will deal with them and I need not be listening to what they say.


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Re: 2012?
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2008, 04:50:12 PM »

"Sorin, englighten me. What did the mayans predict accurately?"

They accurately predicted that the December Solstice Sun will be lining up with the center of our Milky-Way Galaxy.
This is a very rare cosmic alignment, it happens once every 26,000 Years.

Every 26,000 years our sun aligns with the center of the Milk-Way, at this same time another extranomical rarity occurs, the earth completes a wobble around it's axis. This phenomena is called precession.

They also accurately predicted when they would be overrun by "white-skinned bearded gods" {Europeans} from across the ocean.

I'm sorry sorin, but honostly, have you looked into these so called predictions?

Do you believe nostradamous predicted hitlers arival and WWII also?

In Christ,


EDIT: I wanted to add as well, If you've ever tried SEARCHING for ANYTHING the mayans said about the year 2012 you find absolutely NOTHING. You find abunch of scared people spaming and re-gurgetating what the next person told them. Honostly from what i've seen from the HISTORY CHANNEL documentary was that the mayan calender ENDS in the YEAR 2012 and THATS IT! They didn't say anything about it! The most logical reason anyone has come up for why it ends is because THE CIVILIZATION COLLAPSED and they had no one left to continue to the calender days. It wasn't because they believed in some galactic alignment or some end of the world nonsence. Honostly, if you believe this stuff go do some research. I just have to wonder about your sources sometimes. Also the MAYANS DID NOT PREDICT THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION. I havn't found ONE REPUTABLE SOURCE that even remotely SUGGESTS the idea that they did.

So again sorin, i don't know where you are reading this stuff from. If you have a REPUTABLE SOURCE than PLEASE LINK IT for me!

Thank you and God bless,

« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 05:04:41 PM by lilitalienboi16 »


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Re: 2012?
« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2008, 11:11:28 PM »


I'm not going to waste my time debating over this... I don't care about why they didn't 'run for the hills for safety' knowing that 'white-skinned bearded gods' would come and conquer them-I only care about the fact that they did accurately predict it. And besides, as if they would have been safer on the hills.  ::)


Everyone who has studied the Mayan's calendar, and their history knows what they accurately predicted, and you're telling me to 'go study'?

I never said the world is going to end for sure, on Dec 21st, 2012...only that something is going to happen on that date. And the sun alignment is scientifically proven. Also, I don't know what History Channel documentary you saw, but the one I saw even said they
predicted the 'white -skinned bearded gods' and the sun.

So whatever, go argue with them-I'm done with this. It's futile discussing things with people who deny everything because it doesn't say so in their bibles.


« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 11:13:24 PM by Sorin »


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Re: 2012?
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2008, 11:22:07 PM »


I'm not going to waste my time debating over this... I don't care about why they didn't 'run for the hills for safety' knowing that 'white-skinned bearded gods' would come and conquer them-I only care about the fact that they did accurately predict it. And besides, as if they would have been safer on the hills.  ::)


Everyone who has studied the Mayan's calendar, and their history knows what they accurately predicted, and you're telling me to 'go study'?

I never said the world is going to end for sure, on Dec 21st, 2012...only that something is going to happen on that date. And the sun alignment is scientifically proven. Also, I don't know what History Channel documentary you saw, but the one I saw even said they
predicted the 'white -skinned bearded gods' and the sun.

So whatever, go argue with them-I'm done with this. It's futile discussing things with people who deny everything because it doesn't say so in their bibles.


Sorry sorin, but i just can't agree with that.

You haven't cited a single reputeable source and every reputeable source i can find on the matter; Discovery channel and the history channel [which i personaly find much more reputable than random people online] have said that the mayans made no such prediction. That infact their calender ends on the year 2012 for reasons not known. Which they speculate was because the civilization itself collapsed. People add all kinds of wierd theories and ideas to open ended stories like this one about the mayan calender.

I also never found any information on the mayans predicting their own destruction. Infact i have heard quiet the opposite on that subject.

You are correct sorin, the sun alignment is scientifly proven and NOT mayan proven or predicted.

So until you can bring forth some type of reputable source i think i will kindly disagree with you.

God be with you,


P.S. What's wrong with the bible?  ???


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Re: 2012?
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2008, 12:13:34 AM »

"Sorin, englighten me. What did the mayans predict accurately?"

They accurately predicted that the December Solstice Sun will be lining up with the center of our Milky-Way Galaxy.
This is a very rare cosmic alignment, it happens once every 26,000 Years.

Every 26,000 years our sun aligns with the center of the Milk-Way, at this same time another extranomical rarity occurs, the earth completes a wobble around it's axis. This phenomena is called precession.

They also accurately predicted when they would be overrun by "white-skinned bearded gods" {Europeans} from across the ocean.

    hey folks  I have seen this kind of disaragrement
 before , one can not prove what he is talking about and the other one  is glad of it . I am referining to the last post of alex and sorin. Dewey said it .


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Re: 2012?
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2008, 01:37:55 AM »

I hadn't heard of this before so I went to research it and found the actual prophecy.


This is the translation

It seems he was a pretty smart guy and there may be some scientific truth to the patterns of the planets that may cause some problems, but it doesn't take long to see that the whole prophecy has no truth to it.



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Re: 2012?
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2008, 02:52:24 AM »


I'm not going to waste my time debating over this... I don't care about why they didn't 'run for the hills for safety' knowing that 'white-skinned bearded gods' would come and conquer them-I only care about the fact that they did accurately predict it. And besides, as if they would have been safer on the hills.  ::)


Everyone who has studied the Mayan's calendar, and their history knows what they accurately predicted, and you're telling me to 'go study'?

I never said the world is going to end for sure, on Dec 21st, 2012...only that something is going to happen on that date. And the sun alignment is scientifically proven. Also, I don't know what History Channel documentary you saw, but the one I saw even said they
predicted the 'white -skinned bearded gods' and the sun.

So whatever, go argue with them-I'm done with this. It's futile discussing things with people who deny everything because it doesn't say so in their bibles.


Sorry sorin, but i just can't agree with that.

You haven't cited a single reputeable source and every reputeable source i can find on the matter; Discovery channel and the history channel [which i personaly find much more reputable than random people online] have said that the mayans made no such prediction. That infact their calender ends on the year 2012 for reasons not known. Which they speculate was because the civilization itself collapsed. People add all kinds of wierd theories and ideas to open ended stories like this one about the mayan calender.

I also never found any information on the mayans predicting their own destruction. Infact i have heard quiet the opposite on that subject.

You are correct sorin, the sun alignment is scientifly proven and NOT mayan proven or predicted.

So until you can bring forth some type of reputable source i think i will kindly disagree with you.

God be with you,


P.S. What's wrong with the bible?  ???

Yeah, yeah, whatever! This is exactly why I wanted to end this, but you people can't let anything go. How is it not also Mayan proven if that's the date they predicted that this would happen?   **scratches head**
Science just backs up their prophecy.
Why don't you site a reputable source that says otherwise?
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 02:53:25 AM by Sorin »


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Re: 2012?
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2008, 03:29:39 AM »


I'm not going to waste my time debating over this... I don't care about why they didn't 'run for the hills for safety' knowing that 'white-skinned bearded gods' would come and conquer them-I only care about the fact that they did accurately predict it. And besides, as if they would have been safer on the hills.  ::)


Everyone who has studied the Mayan's calendar, and their history knows what they accurately predicted, and you're telling me to 'go study'?

I never said the world is going to end for sure, on Dec 21st, 2012...only that something is going to happen on that date. And the sun alignment is scientifically proven. Also, I don't know what History Channel documentary you saw, but the one I saw even said they
predicted the 'white -skinned bearded gods' and the sun.

So whatever, go argue with them-I'm done with this. It's futile discussing things with people who deny everything because it doesn't say so in their bibles.


Sorry sorin, but i just can't agree with that.

You haven't cited a single reputeable source and every reputeable source i can find on the matter; Discovery channel and the history channel [which i personaly find much more reputable than random people online] have said that the mayans made no such prediction. That infact their calender ends on the year 2012 for reasons not known. Which they speculate was because the civilization itself collapsed. People add all kinds of wierd theories and ideas to open ended stories like this one about the mayan calender.

I also never found any information on the mayans predicting their own destruction. Infact i have heard quiet the opposite on that subject.

You are correct sorin, the sun alignment is scientifly proven and NOT mayan proven or predicted.

So until you can bring forth some type of reputable source i think i will kindly disagree with you.

God be with you,


P.S. What's wrong with the bible?  ???

Yeah, yeah, whatever! This is exactly why I wanted to end this, but you people can't let anything go. How is it not also Mayan proven if that's the date they predicted that this would happen?   **scratches head**
Science just backs up their prophecy.
Why don't you site a reputable source that says otherwise?

In our Lord and His spirit of love, i have decided to discontinue this conversation and graceiously bow out. Thank you for the discussion sorin.

God be with you,

« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 04:57:35 AM by lilitalienboi16 »
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