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Author Topic: Abraham's Bosom  (Read 5472 times)

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Abraham's Bosom
« on: September 27, 2008, 05:33:29 AM »

Hello All:

Here is an excerpt from Ray's paper regarding the 'Lazarus and the Rich Man' parable (Luke 16:19-31):


The answer is not far to find when we see where he is: "in Abraham’s bosom." Being in someone’s bosom shows a very close emotional relationship and position of honor. Christ likens Himself as being in the "bosom" of His Father (Jn 1:18). And John, likewise, who was very fond of Jesus leaned back into Jesus’ bosom (Jn 13:23). To be in the bosom of Abraham, or the bosom of Christ, or the bosom of the Father, are certainly positions of great honor.

The Jews coveted that relationship with Abraham. They were so proud of their Father Abraham. They knew that God thought highly of their Father Abraham, and they wanted to be connected to that lofty position themselves. However, they did not come even close to qualifying for such an honor. They loved to say: "We have Abraham for our father!" But as Christ told them, they didn’t do the works of faith that their Father Abraham did.

So Judah is not in the bosom of Abraham, but Lazarus is. Why? Who is this "Lazarus" that he should have such a lofty position of honor with the Father of the faithful?

I said earlier that the Jews, undoubtedly, understood who Christ was referring to in both the Rich man and Lazarus. Remember that the Jews of Jerusalem knew Hebrew. Their scriptures were written in Hebrew. And they were a lot closer to these symbols and the Hebrew language than we are today.

"And Abram said, Lord God, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus? And Abram said

    "Behold, to me thou hast given no seed; and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir." (Gen. 15:2-3).

In chapter 13 God had already promised great land and possessions to Abram’s seed. But Abram had no seed!

Abram told God that since he had no son, his chief steward, Eliezer, would be his heir and inherit all that was his.

Eliezer was so faithful a steward to Abraham that he was planning to make him his heir and give Eliezer all his possessions and inheritance. Eliezer would have been wealthy. He would have inherited the "promised land." He would have received the "oracles of God" Ah, but no, God had different plans. Abraham would have a son Isaac who would continue the Abrahamic line.

It appears that Eliezer will be left out. He lost his one big claim to fame. Now he’s just a Gentile from Damascus. All his generations will be Gentiles (dogs). Eliezer knew he would inherit all of Abraham’s posessions one day. And now, that’s all gone. But he remains faithful.

Eliezer had ample opportunity to do away with Isaac on any number of occassions, but he remained faithful to Abraham. He even took a journey to get a wife for Isaac. Every step of faith and obedience that Eliezer took removed him just that much further from the inheritance he always thought would be his. He did all that a faithful steward should do. But every step of faithful obedience to Abraham caused his inheritance to slip further away.

Imagine just how faithful and trustworthy a steward would have to be for Abraham to leave ALL his possessions to him. Abraham was extremely rich. Why look for "another" to pass these blessings onto? Eliezer has already proved himself faithful. Abraham had already concluded that Eliezer was the only logical heir:

    "This Eliezer of Demascus ... born in my house IS MINE HEIR" (Gen. 15:2-3)

It appears that either Eliezer becomes Abraham’s heir, or he receives nothing. Absolutely no spiritual promises or possessions were ever made by God to Eliezer If he is not to get Abraham’s inheritance, which included all that Abraham already had plus all that God is about to bless him with on top of all his other possessions, then Eliezer is going to be poor as far as spiritual blessings are concerned. As a Gentile, all he can ever hope for are the spiritual "crumbs" that fall from the Rich man’s table. Not to fear: Through faith God works many miracles.

I was just reading this paper recently and when I read through this section, I thought of how many, many members of Babylon consider this a literal place. Ray even states in the header: "Next to the gross error in translating the Greek aion (a period of time with a beginning and an end) into an English eternity (no time at all, neither having a beginning nor an ending), I know of no greater misrepresentation of any section of Scripture than this parable."


« Last Edit: September 27, 2008, 05:36:05 AM by mharrell08 »


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Re: Abraham's Bosom
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2008, 02:12:30 PM »

Thanks for that reminder.  This paper is one of my favorites of Ray's.


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Re: Abraham's Bosom
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2008, 07:29:51 PM »

Good Reminder Marques,

                                   Yes, the physically literal interpretation of this PARABLE is definitely a gross error. I remember discovering this years ago, as I was originally taught this to be literal. One point that helped me to not interpret this literally is that the Greek Word at Luke. 16:23 is Hades and not Gehenna and since in Hades one has no perception(imperceptible) of anything, so how could they be experiencing literal conscious Torments. If the Rich man were in Hades, how could he have a discussion with Lazarus or anyone else for that matter. Also a drop of water from Lazarus wouldn't be able to cool the tongue of the Rich Man or anyone, if they were in a literal blazing fire, how absurd. One last point, a literal place called Heaven couldn't be in close enough proximity to a Literal place of Eternal Punishment called Hell for a discussion to ensue between the Rich Man and Lazarus.

                                   Just some of my thoughts that show how absurd interpreting this PARABLE in a literal fashion the way many do. Thankyou for this Thread, reminding us what a great error, a literal interpretation of this Parable is for many in Christendom.

                                        Kind Regards & Gods Love, Samson.


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Re: Abraham's Bosom
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2008, 09:00:11 PM »

My favorate part of Ray's teaching on this was the point of Abraham "Stewart" being faithful and losing his earthly inheritance, but in the end he will have a reward.....that is so powerful and awesome...

It's a much different God we serve here a BT,


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Re: Abraham's Bosom
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2008, 10:08:18 PM »

Every phrase in that parable has a spiritual application.  Even the usage of the word Hades is more symbolic than it is in other scriptures.  As we know, Hades is the unseen realm of the dead.  I don't think a person can cry out from the dead.  I think what Ray is saying is that here, Hades is the spiritual realm of the entire Jewish nation for the last 2000 years, even those that are alive.  So they are spiritually dead to God, even though they may be physically alive.  Ray also mentions symbolism for the torment of the Jewish people loosing out on the promises of the elect.  Elseware, such as in Revelations, those wailing and nashing their teeth are obviously the Jewish people who lost out on those promises.  How many have said that those in hell are wailing and nashing their teeth?  It's absurd.


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Re: Abraham's Bosom
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2008, 12:40:00 PM »

I read this paper yesterday for the second is so great...our God is so great.

On there is a great video on Lazarus and the Rich man.

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