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Author Topic: Out of Egypt  (Read 18057 times)

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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2008, 09:22:36 PM »

Wonderfully said Rick....... now this post goes into me study notes....

Thank God for the Grace , bestowed on each of us to share this Bread of life, of the Word of God, amonst our Fellowship.


Richard D

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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2008, 09:31:59 PM »

Hello Rodger.

The word of God does not say let it go but if you have a problem with your brother go and talk to him. ???

I agree to disagree with this thread out of Egypt as it’s a thread trying to put one under law.  ;D

Marques said I’m a phony and I forgive him for that statement because I know only God knows one’s heart and not Marques or anyone for that matter.  :)

Why not the reader of any thread just click off that thread if it is offensive to that one or they don’t approve of what’s being discussed and move on to the next thread?  ???

Talk about the pride of life, whom amongst us here has lost all claims to carnality?  ;)
Rodger, I did let this go on reply #19 Have a wonderful day Rodger and God bless you as He blesses us all. :)

                             In God’s Love, your brother and friend. Richard.


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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2008, 09:53:36 PM »


I see now you stand in judgment of me and you say now I’m also a phony whom you can see through.

From earlier:

Though they apologize profusely again and again, there acts of repentance are a sham as they continue to worship their idols of their hearts and tell you 'don't judge me!'

So there is no confusion: If you DO NOT want to give up these idols of YOUR HEART after multiple members continue to point them out, you have no business here! Your presence will only cause strife and chaos. If you DO want to give up these idols of the heart, stop putting it back together after the Word of God smashes it into a thousand pieces.



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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2008, 10:24:28 PM »

I have a question and I do hesitate to even post. I know I will be judged, trashed or condemn. But I will anyway. When one uses the excuse of I'm still learning, since when do we stop learning? Is this an excuse? When one does not understand something they read of Ray's paper and have many questions are they not a humble person are not teachable because they asked the same question over and over. Maby they just don't get it. Maby on the 3rd time it hits them as God uses someone here to explain differently. Just as in reading the scriptures we all know it takes many time reading the same scripture  over and over untill God reavels to us its meaning. ( I should say some of us). This however doesn't mean one is not teachable or not humble. If someone dosen't understand and are afraid to ask because they already asked and are afraid of being judged how is that showing love and longsuffering? If one is sincerly searching for ansewers should they not be allowed to asked as many times as it takes for understand without worrying about being judged? Ok let me have it.



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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #24 on: November 24, 2008, 10:34:20 PM »

I have a question and I do hesitate to even post. I know I will be judged, trashed or condemn. But I will anyway. When one uses the excuse of I'm still learning, since when do we stop learning? Is this an excuse? When one does not understand something they read of Ray's paper and have many questions are they not a humble person are not teachable because they asked the same question over and over. Maby they just don't get it. Maby on the 3rd time it hits them as God uses someone here to explain differently. Just as in reading the scriptures we all know it takes many time reading the same scripture  over and over untill God reavels to us its meaning. ( I should say some of us). This however doesn't mean one is not teachable or not humble. If someone dosen't understand and are afraid to ask because they already asked and are afraid of being judged how is that showing love and longsuffering? If one is sincerly searching for ansewers should they not be allowed to asked as many times as it takes for understand without worrying about being judged? Ok let me have it.


Hello Darren,

There is certainly nothing wrong with asking questions. What is a problem is if one asks questions seeking spiritual truths, given answers by multiple members, and then refusing to accept the truth as they only wanted an answer to fit their beliefs. These members seek to have the Word confirm their beliefs without realizing that it is us who need to be conformed to the doctrines of Christ [John 7:16].

We should never be fearful of asking a question...but we also cannot be fearful to look inward and realizing WE need to change and look to Christ for this.

Hope this helps,



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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #25 on: November 24, 2008, 10:34:46 PM »

“There has been a lot of murmuring and complaining on this forum lately in the same fashion as the stubborn children of Israel in the wilderness. While some choose to voice like a trumpet to these members who look wistfully back to Egypt, others choose to help them polish these idols of the heart and tell them how wonderful they are. This is wrong. Why do we continue to stroke their egos when instead helping them understand the correction that has been presented to them?

Listen, those who keep idols of the heart will always be the ones who are 'easily offended'. It has nothing to do with the 'way the message was said' but rather the message of truth itself is what these members have a problem with. They wish to worship the Father 'their way' not in spirit and in truth.

Though they apologize profusely again and again, there acts of repentance are a sham as they continue to worship their idols of their hearts and tell you 'don't judge me!'

What fellowship does light have with darkness? Or believers with nonbelievers? These conflicts are of Satan as Joe pointed out previously and the means are believers being yoked together with unbelievers. And because of this, which Paul admonishes us NOT to do, we have ongoing conflicts. It's not a matter of one stating 'Well, I am not as learned as you'. That has nothing to do with it and I am tired of hearing that lame excuse. It is a matter of being humble, being teachable, and giving up these idols of the heart.

So there is no confusion: If you DO NOT want to give up these idols of YOUR HEART after multiple members continue to point them out, you have no business here! Your presence will only cause strife and chaos. If you DO want to give up these idols of the heart, stop putting it back together after the Word of God smashes it into a thousand pieces. This has gone on long enough but we all need to put our foot down. Otherwise, this forum will be the redundant, unfruitful, chaotic mess where it is headed.




In the first post of this topic the above words are the only words Marques penned.  The rest of the post contained scripture.   As I see it, it’s about “idols of the heart”.   I see that as the main thrust, or point, Marques was making.

He did use specifics.   But.   He didn’t point any fingers. He didn’t mention names.

How now that some members have stepped forward to challenge Marques and claim error?   Where lays the error?  With Marques because he sees an opportunity to bring to light a reflection of idols in our midst?  So Marques is now pronounced guilty of error?   

Not hardly.

Ask yourself this question:  Am I guilty of the idols he speaks?  If you feel you are, work it out, quietly.  And, honestly, (and it’s just me) but you should really thank Marques if that is the case.   Not condemn him.  If you feel you aren't guilty, even by association or intent of heart at times, then why defend yourself and find fault with Marques and his post. 

Craig said something the other day and it hit home solid with me, and I’ll paraphrase it (I’m on dial up, it would take hours to find it), but, the gist was “sometimes a posters words contribute nothing to a post).  Well, that may as well speak to me now perhaps, but so be it.   

But so you know, I asked myself the same question this morning when I read the post:  “Am I guilty of that which Marques speaks.”  The answer came back a resounding YES.   But I hold no ill to Marques.  When I said “thank you Marques” earlier, I meant it.

So again, for those who have found contempt, even a little, perhaps it is best to recoil and give this matter some time to work it’s way through without so much a tittle of condemnation for one of our own.





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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #26 on: November 24, 2008, 10:43:40 PM »


You are so brave.  I have been reading this thread, holding back tears and feeling physically ill because I have no where to go if I leave this forum.  However, the forum has become useless to me for the reasons you state in your post.  I am afraid (yes, I know it's a sin to be timid and fearful), I have so many questions regarding Ray's papers but I don't want to be "labeled" unteachable, or carnal or having idols of the heart (as we all do) and like you said, I have read them over and over and over and still don't see some of the things that Ray even says are so "simple".  I just say to myself, I guess God does not want me to see it yet.  When they asked why I wanted to join the forum this is what I said:

My reason for wanting to Join is that sometimes I have questions that I know Ray is too busy to answer, so I thought I could get a better understanding on the Forum.

And they let me join.  Perhaps they shouldn't have.

Anyway Darren, thanks for you courage, I am sure I am not the only one that echoes your sentiments.



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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #27 on: November 24, 2008, 10:58:31 PM »

Marques I agree if one is asking the same question over and over and  all they are doing is trying to find an ansewer that fits their beliefs then they are in the wrong place. Most us us here are here for the truth according to God's word. We are(most) like minded and we are a  family searching for understanding. No one should be afraid or timied when it comes to questions. What one person finds simply the other might not. We are all on different levels of understanding and we all should treat one another accordingly. Don't you agree? once again I have to apoligize for my spelling. I don't know why my spell check does not work.


Richard D

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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #28 on: November 24, 2008, 11:07:39 PM »

What Idols are you speaking of exactly?

Here are some more exact examples:

1. Some create idols of the heart by disregarding the scriptures and Ray's teachings regarding one verse interpreting itself. These members will continue to insist 1 verse has a different meaning than the rest of the scriptures all together. 2 Pet 1:20 ...that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. Matt 18:16 the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

2. Some create idols of the heart by either stating and/or implying they are of the chosen or that God cannot make them into the chosen. Both of these sentiments demean the very words of our Lord who stated it is He who does the choosing and nothing is too hard for God. John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you... Matt 19:26 ...with God all things are possible.

3. Some create idols of the heart by continuing to insist that political and social events are a sign of the Lord's  judgments on the House of God going on now. Judgement brings about righteousness and is spiritual...Christ & His judgement comes to US 'quickly' not those of the world. Isa 26:9 ...for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. John 6:63 ...the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit. Rev 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly...

4. Some create idols of the heart by creating numerous posts that have nothing to do with scriptures and/or Ray's teachings but are a means to say 'Look at me'. They treat the General Discussions as a personal blog with complete disregard for anyone else looking for spiritual truths...not commentary that borders on heresy. 1 Tim 1:6  From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling. 2 Tim 2:16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

5. Some create idols of the heart by bringing their carnal conversations of the world into the forum. Why are these members trying to find reasoning with the members of the world who have a different interpretation of the bible? We are not to cast our pearls before swine as they trample them and look to rear us into pieces. Matt 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

6. Some create idols of the heart by using the excuse 'well, I'm still learning' to post heresy after heresy. The are not well learned in the teachings of Ray and neither do they want to be. They want to continue to hold on to false beliefs from the church with a death grip which is exactly what it is. 2 Tim 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 2 Tim 3:8-9 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was.

7. Others just flat out don't believe the scriptures and Ray's teachings when presented to them. They believe their own personal 'understanding' supercedes all. Matt 13:11-12 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

Isa 30:10  Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:

2 John 1:10-11  If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

These verses are very plain...we are not to put up with this carnality at the expense of portraying a 'lovey-dovey' forum. We are not to speak 'smooth things' to tickle the ears of those who continue to resist the spirit and dwell in the flesh.



Hello Rodger, my brother in Christ.

I have let this thread go but on the contrary I see you have not Rodger. If you agree with Marques that is fine with me.

If you agree with Marques on these laws he has set fourth for all to adhere to them obey them.

If you believe everyone is at the same spiritual level as you and Marques your are both greatly deceived.

If I were thinking about becoming a member on this forum and read what Marques wrote on reply # four of this thread I would still be in Babylon.

Lord knows brother Marques needs your help in trying to sell this sort of stuff.

God bless you both and have a wonderful evening and a good day. :)

                          Your friend and brother in Christ, Richard.


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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #29 on: November 24, 2008, 11:11:16 PM »

Darren bro,
Talk to your Father and ask Him.

You won't find what you're looking for in the eyes or minds of humans.
This is your relationship with God,
draw close to Him and He will comfort you.
Peace and understanding



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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2008, 11:16:25 PM »

If something is hard for you to understand sometimes you have to let it go and keep studying and asking God to enlighten you with the answer. It will come when you are ready to understand it. Randy had good advice. Only God can give you the answers in His time it doesn't have to come from any human.
Please find peace,
Kathy :)

Richard D

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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #31 on: November 24, 2008, 11:19:10 PM »


Those are your words Rodger, I’m calling you out, I don’t think like that, I’m not calling you out Rodger, just  simply responding to what your saying to me, that’s all my friend. :)

                         God bless you, In God’s Love. Richard.


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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #32 on: November 24, 2008, 11:21:45 PM »

Eileen, My dear, never give up on God. He chooses our understanding. He directs our paths. I still read Rays papers and I keep finding thing that I never saw at first. As, long as we ask the Holy Spirit to guide our understanding. He will. He might even  use something in your journey of life. Then that scripture might just pop out. Keep the faith. He is faithful to us. Also, read the Bible . I like to take a Chapter and slowly study it. I also, know he trains us in our life experiences. It is all of God.

In His Love,


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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #33 on: November 24, 2008, 11:26:42 PM »

Thank you Marlene.  You are so very right.  Sometimes all it takes are a few words of encouragement and I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart.



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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #34 on: November 24, 2008, 11:44:11 PM »

Kathy I couldn't agree more. I don't look for ansewers in humans I believe God uses man  anyway He wants and If the ansewers come from God through man than so be it. My Father and I always talk. So Thats roger for the advice but I didn't need it. I have a very good relationship with my Father. I look only to Him for ansewers. Like I said those ansewers could come by God through man. I'm always listening.



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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #35 on: November 24, 2008, 11:54:47 PM »

To all who are timid or afraid to speak up, please know that you can use the PM to any member that you need to converse
with. My information is there for PM anytime as are i am sure any of the members on this forum. We can sometimes get too
caught up polishing our idol and wanting to get the last word in to remember; All IS OF GOD. Cheer up, chin up, read the
Scriptures, study Rays writings, listen to the mp3s and watch the videos. Study to become knowledgeable in the word and
always Pray for discernment of The Word; They Are Spirit And They Are Truth. Well back to study and lurking for me, i will
be heading home now but be on here later this evening.

Love Patience Study and Longsuffering brothers and sisters.



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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #36 on: November 24, 2008, 11:58:36 PM »

Great Darren,
Now biuld on what God has shown you and then when looking at that it becaomes stronger in understanding.

Just like Ray said God made the world in a very long period of time as the bible shows us.

Some of us have many years of studing and some not but everyone adds their lot to the forum.

Above All is LOVE and without love then we have NOTHING!!!

Timothy is a great book for all at all times.

Peace and understanding



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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #37 on: November 25, 2008, 12:28:03 AM »


You are so brave.  I have been reading this thread, holding back tears and feeling physically ill because I have no where to go if I leave this forum.  However, the forum has become useless to me for the reasons you state in your post.  I am afraid (yes, I know it's a sin to be timid and fearful), I have so many questions regarding Ray's papers but I don't want to be "labeled" unteachable, or carnal or having idols of the heart (as we all do) and like you said, I have read them over and over and over and still don't see some of the things that Ray even says are so "simple".  I just say to myself, I guess God does not want me to see it yet.  When they asked why I wanted to join the forum this is what I said:

My reason for wanting to Join is that sometimes I have questions that I know Ray is too busy to answer, so I thought I could get a better understanding on the Forum.

And they let me join.  Perhaps they shouldn't have.

Anyway Darren, thanks for you courage, I am sure I am not the only one that echoes your sentiments.



No where is it stated on this thread that it is wrong to ask questions.

From earlier:

"There is certainly nothing wrong with asking questions. What is a problem is if one asks questions seeking spiritual truths, given answers by multiple members, and then refusing to accept the truth as they only wanted an answer to fit their beliefs. These members seek to have the Word confirm their beliefs without realizing that it is us who need to be conformed to the doctrines of Christ [John 7:16].

We should never be fearful of asking a question...but we also cannot be fearful to look inward and realizing WE need to change and look to Christ for this."

What part of 'nothing wrong with asking questions' did you not understand?

'Holding back tears and being physically ill'? Did the scriptures referenced offend you so?




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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #38 on: November 25, 2008, 12:46:07 AM »

Ok maybe we can have a on line bible study.

Maybe start with Rays LOF papers and take it chapter by chapter.

I know some don't need this but I think others Do.

If you guys think this is a good idea, then maybe we can arrage something here or another child forum ( or aol private chat or something) for deeper studies.

That way the ones with questions can ask them chapter by chapter.

I know its lots of work but if we can do this, many hands make the workload light.

I don;t know but I think something should be done.

I Don't want to step on any toes.

Comments welcomed.

« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 12:50:35 AM by Randy »


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Re: Out of Egypt
« Reply #39 on: November 25, 2008, 01:09:23 AM »

Rick, I did not express myself well again. I know it was not of me. I never have thought there was any good in me. If, not for him I would more than likely be a mass murder or god knows what else. God makes some for honor and dishonor. Anything, that is good is all of God. I never thought it was of me. Hope this clears it up. As, I stated before sometimes I am not clear.  I just want to be made in his image, and he is doing it.  It Comforts me when I see him doing it in me. It makes me trust him and that makes me labor and that makes me want to run he knows how to teach me. I was just saying even while lost in Babylon he was leading me. He was taking me on my journey. He was and is teaching me. There is plenty for him to teach me. I just want to keep in the race and that want is all his.

In His Love,
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