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Author Topic: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?  (Read 20893 times)

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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2006, 08:58:55 PM »

When I became a "Christian" over 30 years ago, boy, I felt like a stranger in a strange town.  Lost all my "friends", family thought I'd lost my mind etc etc.......

Now, getting in on BT which is way smaller than I ever wouldve thought, Here I go again.
Always knew I was an alien, but now its more like being a loner.  Other than this forum, my son, and my husband (I know that sounds like a group to some of you)I have no one to share this with.  The few I have tried, well, we all know what that turned out.  I go occassionallly to my old church as my daughter and granddaughter attend, but she is not interested in any of this.  If I quit going totally, it will be lonely.

I really don't like this elitest, smallest, chosen type feeling.  But these are the daily trials and sufferings that we must go thru.  At any given moment, eyes may open in my family.  That is my prayer.

Sorry to have rambled on......


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2006, 03:40:01 AM »

You hit home on this one Dana. I've recently found that my only 2 friends...well, God is taking them away. One is just too blind to talk to anymore. One, the man I love, is being revealed as a liar after I placed a whole lot of faith in his integrity. He's only half blind but still has no love of the truth apparently. I'm alone in a West Texas boonie town with my two teenage Egyptian sons...who also feel peculiar. Praise God.

Listen to the song "What's Up" by 4 Non-Blondes. I love this song. Listen to it daily. Even uses the word peculiar. That's how I've felt all my life until God started showing me why.

I let my 14 year old play his guitar at a Pentecostal church and he argued with the youth minister and told me that nothing he said made any sense. Now most parents would get upset and lecture them...not me. I thanked the Lord. He's peculiar too.

Carol V, I went to trade school in that West Texas boonie town and have been to several snake round-up's; I "grew up" just a few miles West of there in Colorado City and Coahoma. I know a little about small West TX boonie towns. I left the West TX area several years ago; I'm now peculiar in an area of over 4 million.


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2006, 04:40:43 AM »

I have always felt I was an alien. It was that or I was adopted. I opted for alien princess from another planet. Don't ask. child's fancy. From an early age I felt like the oddball even among my own family. I thought it was only because I was the youngest of seven and we had an age gap of ten years between me and the sixth. Now that we are all older, I have to say that if you put me next to my five sisters and one brother, all we have in common are outward appearance. I am the only one that was not baptized (Catholic) as a child, though I married a man raised Catholic and got baptized as an adult. That was not where my journey began, but that was a major crossroad toward my journey to where I am now. It was what brought me back to church. Mind you, I never set foot in a Catholic church as a child because my parents quit practicing around the time I was born. We left the Catholic church, which was my choice. We have tried various denominations over the years. I struggled with tithing being scriptural and whether the dead go straight to heaven, and other things. My husband will join a new church at the drop of a dime. I never felt drawn to join any church. Then I found this site.  Praise God!   ;D  My husband is having difficulty absorbing it all. He went through catechism and the whole nine yards. My only early experience with church was voluntary attendance as a teenager. I feel that somehow I would stay long enough at any one denomination to absorb just what I needed or to meet someone else that would move us along our now joint journey. I know just where you all are coming from. Oh, and when I was young, my only friends were my animals. Anyone else?    ???

carol v

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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2006, 02:07:06 PM »

Hey Patrick...somehow it helps just knowing that someone knows where the heck I am  ;D

Nothing like a rattlesnake roundup to know what a sense of humor God has!


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2006, 04:54:58 PM »

Carol, the desire to evict venomous snakes from thier dens and gather them up to haul to market never became a desire to me. ;D

Everyone should get the rattlesnake experience; you will never forget that sound.

I'm glad it somehow helps you knowing that I know where the heck you are.
Go get some Gill's chicken and a cherry lime Sprite from Sonic.  ;D


Jason E. Martin

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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #25 on: July 03, 2006, 08:11:19 PM »

  Wow....truly there are ppl such as myself.  God has been opening my eyes now for a short while, but I can look back and see that this thing really is a process.  I've been in "church" all of my life I suppose.  There have been alot of things that just never added up but ya know that many ppl can't be wrong   :P  I've always felt like I just didn't fit in.  No matter how hard I tried.  I never hang out with a crowd and only had 2 really good friends, like brothers really.  About 3 years ago God took away my there not dead just took them from me.  My wife says I'm anti-social but I really do wan't friends.  It's not like ppl don't like me it's like thing's never work out that we can really bond or hang out. Or maybe they really don't like me and are just being "nice"  ;)  These are church ppl ya know.  But I'm ok with being alone...trully my best friend  is my wife, even though she's not so sure bout the truth in Gods word.  Ya know the most frustrating thing is when you see a truth in Gods Word that you've never seen before and have no one to share it with.

God Bless all you little aliens out there!!


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #26 on: July 03, 2006, 10:45:38 PM »

Welcome Jason!!

Jason E. Martin

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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #27 on: July 03, 2006, 11:14:32 PM »

Welcome Jason!!

  Thank you.   Good to be here  :)


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2006, 02:50:52 PM »

Wow.  I've been gone for awhile (on vacation) and just got back.  Hope I can learn the new format and that things stay okay here.  Um, back to the topic I guess (although it is old).

Oh, and when I was young, my only friends were my animals. Anyone else?    ???

I was exactly that way too.  I thank God for the animals He gave me to love and play with.  Don't think I would've survived without them.  They were my whole social world and my only friends.

Thank you for starting this post.  Things like this are so comforting to know you are not alone in these things.  I never felt I belonged in this world (of course, being told I wasn't supposed to be born probably didn't help that much) but I usually thought perhaps I was born too late.  Just spend an incrediible time out in God's world where there aren't many people...just animals and beautiful mountains and lakes and streams.  It is so peaceful and beautiful that I can't describe it.  Seems so much easier to pray and talk with God when there are no distractions.  I feel so comforted and at home there and then I get back to the "real world" of people and tv and phones and all those things I am told I should like.  It is hard.  I am so confused and hurt by people's behavior.  I know that they simply don't know better....but how can people treat each other the way that they do?  I know we are never alone in Christ, but it is hard when you feel alone.  How does one deal with not having anyone to talk to about...well...pretty much anythign because they are so, peculiar?  I only feel okay when I am literally alone and lonely whenever there are other people around.  How weird it that!  I sometimes think I am destined to be alone but that conflicts so strongly with my desire to love and be loved and to know people and fellowship with them.  Thank God He led me to this forum.  It is such a blessing to know that others like this exist.


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2006, 11:56:26 PM »

glad I never fit in....made dodging the bullets on the way out of Babylon easier! :) joyful1


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #30 on: July 07, 2006, 12:07:31 AM » more note:  looking forward to the time when...

Isaiah 29:24
"They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine"

That would of course include myself.....then at more "alien-nation!" :) 


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #31 on: July 07, 2006, 05:52:43 AM »

Luke 9:58 (King James Version)

58And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

Hebrews 13:8 (King James Version)

8Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #32 on: July 07, 2006, 11:30:25 AM »

Luke 9:58 (King James Version)

58And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

Good verse MG.  Jesus is an alien like us.  I made very good friends in my childhood that lasted until I was 18.  But, every childhood friend I ever had has left me ... moved away or is not on friendly terms.  The "friends" I made in highschool were not really friends.  College was similar, I had one or two friends that I got estranged from. The good friends I made 9 or 10 years ago when I first came to Jesus have moved away or I have become estranged from them.  The synagogue I came out of, I was a Messianic Jew,I have become estranged from as well. My best friend is my brother who has also come to know the truths I know now having come to Ray's site.  God has still given me him and some new friends at work and my immediate family.

Growing up, and even now, I always seemed to have "identity crises" since I always seemed like an outcast.  I seemed to always move to the beat of a different drummer than everyone else.   I thought of these scriptures in Hebrews 11.

37 They were stoned. They were sawn apart. They were tempted. They were slain with the sword. They went around in sheep skins and in goat skins; being destitute, afflicted, ill-treated

38 (of whom the world was not worthy), wandering in deserts, mountains, caves, and the holes of the earth.

39 These all, having had testimony given to them through their faith, didn't receive the promise,

40 God having provided some better thing concerning us, so that apart from us they should not be made perfect.          
Shakespeare-There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #33 on: July 09, 2006, 01:40:53 PM »

I hate to break this to you Dana but we are aliens,people who trust God are aliens,heres a test to find out if your an alien,go tell 10 people that you beleave God can save sinners All sinners if nine look at you like your a green bug your an alien.............Jerry


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #34 on: July 10, 2006, 02:03:25 AM »

I asked my teens if they thought they could find someone who believes that Lucifer was not the devil. The answer was, "No." I am blessed that have been able to stay home and home school three of them (the fourth went through public school). They have experienced a lot of estrangement themselves. Secular kids seem to nearly always shun them. My one son bonded with another boy on his baseball team a few years back. We discovered late in the season that he was home schooled by his faith filled mother. I am happy that my kids are aliens also. I would not have it any other way. ;D   


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #35 on: July 10, 2006, 03:47:02 AM »

amen jenny I like this beginning post about aliens,the world only confirms us a Gods special people when they reject us,thank God!!!! makes me want to sing a little gospel tune.............Jerry


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #36 on: July 11, 2006, 03:50:12 PM »

A real test comes when you are alien among your own family and are persecuted by those who say they love you.  ???  It still boggles my mind.  In my case, it is my husband's family and they are very vocal about disliking me (to him, behind my back). They think I took them drew him away from Catholocism.  The have not practiced Catholocism for years themselves.  They really did not like the issue I had with my sister in-law over her buying our kids Harry Potter books.  They dislike that we no longer celebrate the resurrection with the bunny and the day of the dead by dressing up the kids and dragging them around to strangers' homes.  On one hand, I am sad for my husband, but on the other, I am at peace.  Does that make sense?


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #37 on: July 11, 2006, 11:05:42 PM »

I learned a lesson a long time ago,never bring up religous doctrin other that what you will agree on with someone you know will not listen,thats kind of like pouring fuel on a fire to put it out,If someone gave me a harry potter book knowing I dissagreed with its content and doing it out of a mean spirit,I would just smile really big and say that was so nice of you to think of my daughter like that,your such a nice person,nice to know we are so close,then when I got home I would through it in the trash.I think the best advise is to always be nice no matter what(heep coals of fire on thier face)thats what Jesus said to do, unless your struck by a heavy object then all bets are off......LOL  ..Jerry


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #38 on: July 12, 2006, 02:31:04 AM »

All bets are off? ;D We took the kids to the place where she bought them and they exchanged them for what they wanted, but we never told her.

I did try to avoid conflicting discussions and I tried to not put in my five cents when she brought up things for which I had a conflicting opinion. I always gritted my teeth when she brought up horoscopes and showed off her "dream catcher." I would never have known that she and her mother had a problem with me but for my husband sharing it with me. If I had known back then, when we still spoke, that she was offering to loan my husband a dvd from her collection of porn, all bets would have been off! He stayed at her house when he first took the job he has now, which is a couple hours from where we lived at the time. Convenience is not always the best move.

It has never come easy for me to hold my tongue. I have been a very outspoken person since I was young. I guess I would have to say that God has done a lot of work on me in this area.


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Re: Does Anyone Feel Like an Alien?
« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2006, 02:53:48 AM »

Hey I thought I was the only one with a weird family,My sister is into all that creepy stuff,she was so into it it destroyed out relationship,I stoped going to see her and she never see's me either and Im fine with it,talk about hatefilled those newagers are pretty far from reality,she use to screem at me when I would dissagree with her so I stoped saying anythings to he coments like, why do you waste your time with the God of the bible? I almost fliped out when she said that,I finaly told her its best we dont talk about those kinds of things,now its best if we dont talk,God will have to straighten her out,God bless you Jenny I know how tuff those things can be.God bless you and your family...................Jerry
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