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Author Topic: adultery  (Read 35842 times)

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Re: adultery
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2012, 03:22:56 AM »

...guilty of one, guilty of all....ahem...anyone see the Fashion Police....their tracks are here...they were here! ~  ;D :)

A Priest told me in confession...I was in confession, not the Priest! LOL...well may be not...The Priest said "guilt is the sin"...

I learned something that day! God removes the sin and the guilt and no name calling finger pointing or religious bashing is going to do the trick!~ :D ;D have got to stop thinking that God is a man, or thinks like a man, or is as weak and stupid as a man.  God DOESN'T WANT PEOPLE TO CLEARLY SEE WHAT HE IS DOING.
    God operates in MYSTERIES.  He teaches in PARABLES.  He prophesies in METAPHORS AND ALLEGORIES.  He writes whole books in SYMBOLS.  God is not trying to save this world now

"...Do not worry about anything..." Phil 4:6 (CLNT)

We don't have to worry about anything because Jesus is the Savior.  You cannot save yourself.  Saving you is Jesus' problem so let Him do His work.

Until He saves you, you will suffer with your problems just like the rest of us.  There is no secret handshake, no special chant, no physical words or rituals to save you.

All of your problems come from God, which He is using to form you.  Only Jesus has the keys to your prisons.  One day, you shall be released, and will dwell in the broad, sunlit uplands of life. A JFK quote  8),13760.msg121183.html#msg121183

Okay, let’s move on.                                                         

So there are four things that happen with sin:

1.   Committed
2.   Remitted
3.   Repented
4.   Removed

That’s the sequence. Repentance is where you accelerate this. All through your life you learn to mature... learn to operate in society... learn to obey the laws of the higher powers and so on... stopping at stop signs... staying under the speed limit etc... You do all these things, which are admirable, we should do them. But there comes a time when you have to just stop doing 'good' things and repent of who and what you are. Then you will start to make real progress.

We sin... God forgives it.
We repent... God removes it.

That’s the way it’s done and it will be done that way with every human being.

All have sinned... God has forgiven all.
All will repent... and all sin will be removed.,3709.0.html



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Re: adultery
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2012, 04:15:41 AM »

mharrell08 wrote "Is this starting to come together yet?"

 Yeah I think it is. I think I can understand why certain posters might no longer be around. They proably wanted to get a divorce from the long robed responders.


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Re: adultery
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2012, 04:25:53 AM »

mharrell08 wrote "Is this starting to come together yet?"

 Yeah I think it is. I think I can understand why certain posters might no longer be around. They proably wanted to get a divorce from the long robed responders.

River reading your posts, I can tell that you are a very deep and serious person and God loves you for being you....thank you for speaking your mind......., but do also reflect upon the fact that not everyone all of the time are wrong.  One of the best gifts God has given me was to have a teachable spirit.  There is much wisdom in mharrell08's post.



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Re: adultery
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2012, 10:40:37 AM »

I think I can understand why certain posters might no longer be around.

Some if not most are not longer here because the idol of their hearts become exposed and they will not/cannot except that they me be wrong.  I am the same way, but someday we will know better.

Marques' post and Ray's responses were full of wisdom, but if the idol of our own hearts are pricked our first inclination is to attack the messenger.  That my friends is the Beast Within.  I have come to recognize that "beast" and it is in me and everyone of us.  Realizing this,  my race in this life is to slowly let go of my own idols, it is a struggle with a lot of pit stops along the way.

I don't believe God sits in heaven with a rule book out and says "if you do this then I will punish you like this"  God's wisdom is revealed in the Bible and in parables and symbols.  He tells us that if we make certain decisions and mistakes then the effect of these choices will always be there for us to deal with.  Cause and effect.  Why did God create us so weak?  Why doesn't God just create us strong so that we only will make the right choices?   Read that again..."Why doesn't God create us strong?".  Friends, He is "creating" us strong, we are in the creation stage, this is part of our creation process.  

God likens Himself to a cleansing fire.  Let's consider that we are a nugget of gold taken from the ground, and let us also assign feelings and emotions to the gold.  O.K?, so there we are in the ground buried safe and sound all is fine according to our knowledge and we are comfortable.  Then one day we feel a vibration around us, we become frightened and curious, the noises and vibrations increase and suddenly we are hoisted from our comfort zone and there is a light shining on us.  We don't like this, we like our comfort better.  We don't recognize that we are dirty we don't know much of anything.  We look over to our right and spot the most beautiful sight, a nugget of Gold that is pure and shines like nothing we have ever seen, we are in awe.  We are setting there and we hear a voice saying that we will be a beautiful work of pure Gold that will shine as much as the One we saw before, our creation has started.  We are excited now,  this will be great.

Suddenly we are being hosed off by water, we don't like this, this is bad to us, it is not natural to have this happen.  We ask why?, why?, why could we not be left alone?  We were comfortable with the dirt we liked it, it was natural to us.  Then we are left alone to dry and we look at ourselves and though we can see some gold and a few shiny spots, we realize we are still dirty.  Suddenly we are hoisted into an intense heat, it is more painful than anything we have ever experienced.  It feels like our insides are being ripped out, we are being reformed.  Things that were a part of us is slowly leaving us, we don't want to give them up but as they go we start to feel cleaner.  The heat of the fire is overwhelming and we cry out for it to stop.  We don't want to give up the impurities in us we fight to keep them, but as we become cleaner we feel better.  We are removed from the heat and suddenly we realize that we have become as pure and shiny as the Gold we saw before and we hear a voice saying that we are finished.  We have been created.  We are pure, we no longer want the impurities and don't even remember why we wanted them in the first place.

That gold is us, we are being created strong and pure like Christ.  The impurities (our idols and sins) will be gone someday.  Your all's impurities and sins may be different from mine and I am learning  not to judge others.  And I don't begrudge you your beliefs or struggles, but I can read God's word and He tells us what is not pure.....

"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, or thieves, those who are greedy or drunk, who use abusive language, or who rob people will not inherit the kingdom of God"  

That is one verse in Corinthians, there are many verses that tells us where we are not pure, where we are failing.  None are pure and all of us fails.  Again I will not judge or condemn anyone's failings as mine are probably worse, but I will not justify an impurity as being pure.  

And now I've come full circle, an idol of our heart is when we cannot accept or see our failings and then look to justify them and declare them just.  That is wrong and something we all need to guard against.  If anyone is dealing with or struggling with or even comfortable with their impurities, I will not look down on you or condemn you, I will be your friend, I will give a hand to help you. However I will not lend an ear to your justification of sin.  


« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 11:02:32 AM by Craig »


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Re: adultery
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2012, 12:03:35 PM »

The amazing thing about this thread is I didn’t see a question mark in Dre’s initial post, just statements.

Especially these:

I know I'm committing adultery…..

My conscience is really bothering me…………

I feel……..ashamed.

You already know what's working there Dre, and my guess is that's why you didn't ask a question to begin with.

But the winner is!!!!!!!!............?:

Thanks for your replies but the next time I will just keep my business to myself.

Good advice.   

But, no you probably won't.   Why?...because we share our 'like' struggles on this forum because it's a tough fight and we all need support from those who understand. As for the topic itself there's some really good information here and good analogies, as well.    As for some of the other replies???.......well....... about as valuable as the product of the anatomy part that JFK mentioned.


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Re: adultery
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2012, 12:19:23 PM »

I think I can understand why certain posters might no longer be around.

This forum has never "missed a beat" because of the "revolving door" of its membership.  I think that speaks volumes for the legitimacy of this forum. 

Personally, I get sad when some members leave, however, we are not here to "compromise" the scriptures in order to keep members.



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Re: adultery
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2012, 01:29:27 PM »

Well, all I know is, if I'm not particularly careful, I will become as one of Job's "comforters."   ;)

I agree with gk, DRE.  Never saw a question from you, only statements and confessions.

Dre is clearly not content with the decisions he has made and things he chose to do.  I see no reason to wallop you.  

The only difference I can see between Dre and some (not all) others of us here, is that he chose to expose himself (and makes not one excuse--"I'm guilty"), where others of us have chosen to keep our personal struggles out of plain view.  That way, we can continue to appear holier than thou.

I am no better than you, Dre--except for a few minor changes...   Bottom line--I'm guilty of all.   I'm going to continue to pray that God has mercy on you and pulls you through.  Because that's what I pray for myself when I know I am guilty of something but I just can't make myself change.  (Edit: Not that we can make ourselves change.  But you know what I mean.)

And with that.... I'm out!  Of this particular discussion.   ;)

« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 03:42:37 PM by Gina »


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Re: adultery
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2012, 02:29:45 PM »

Who has been merciful? :)

Is Mercy on trial?  ...nah...didn't think so! :D ;D



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Re: adultery
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2012, 05:04:20 PM »

Craig that was a very apt parable. Marques your last post on this issue was courageous, and correct scripturally and sound, as was Samson and JFKs.  I sometimes wonder why posters leave, but posts like those tell me that people should stick around. True lovers of God are known by growing and becoming more like Him, and God loves righteousness. Yes we all fail to live up to scriptural standards at times, BUT BUT a true heart on path to conversion does not accept this, it strives and desires to be holy and righteous; because it wants to be pure and holy and righteous like our Father.  So it repents forsakes and asks God to help to OVERCOME. I know a brother is a brother when He is crestfallen/broken because he sinned. I doubt someone is truly a brother when he sins and doesn't feel bad about it, or excuses it any way possible.

And I also know life is complicated when it comes to relationships. But God will guide one conscience to do what is right, when one is willing to lay aside our idols. And relationships are for most of us, where the deepest currents flow.  That is where the deepest work is done. Where the rubber hits the road. learning to say no to theft of a candy bar is easy. Learning to say NO to an attractive sex partner whom you feel deeply connected with because of principles/rules given by God? Now we see what you REALLY believe.

Ian 155

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Re: adultery
« Reply #29 on: January 02, 2012, 05:48:40 PM »

Ephes 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church". I notice Abraham was instructed to leave his Ma and Pa and be joined to wifie and learn a new different life style under Gods hand.

since there will be no marriage in heaven, that is according to Jesus, try and stick to better,worse, richer, poorer etc

I myself am heavily convicted as a "provider" at the moment [possibly because im not supposed to be the provider - God is].... so some of the comments hit the mark when addressing a husband as a provider. The Lord says to me "Ill be a husband to you "also "trust me I will meet all your needs" try tell your wife and family that

" hang on wife, this is a test/trial we will come out stronger on the other side" ....
the Word, by the same token calls me an "Infadel" If I cannot provide for my wife and family.

I have limited understanding of real Godly provision [finance] I always thought OK, I have a job thank you, it is a means of provision - well when the mat gets pulled, is it a test or is it fake?Different faith is required for different circumstances, including our petit understanding of being married.

likewise in marriage if divorce is pending and we Know 'I the Lord Hate divorce" did we not pray enough ,did we fail the test,or are our feelings more important than Gods, which one is it ?

When lack is on the horizon love certainly flies out the window...

if I use some of the analagies from the various comments, I must have done something insanely wrong and God is now punishing my whole family by not allowing or enabling business to come my way, perhaps I'm paying for the sin of my forfathers as , i am not black enough in a country that has charged me with a Holocaust type sentence because of the filthy apartheid system, even though I was born British.

The afrikaans language has an apt expression "Dood Het 'n oorsaak" direct "death has a reason".

Could we be making a gigantic mistake,the true marriage feast is not yet here, lets keep our lamps full ...and meantime follow the comand of love...druggie,divorcee,thrice married ee... 
John 8:4-11 "Teacher," they said to Jesus, "this woman was caught in the act of adultery. The Law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?" They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up and said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!" Then Jesus said to the woman, "Where are your accusers? Didn't even one of them condemn you?" "No Lord," she said. And Jesus said, "Neither do I. Go and sin no more."

or did he mean, get redivorced from all your other husbands and go back to the 1st one and I will cause her heart to soften too you,or did he mean I am the true husband come to your sences and stop your nonsence

There is no solid answer is there ? In every situation, believe what you pray is heard by God and he has the right answer and it is on its way,[including a stormy marriage]I do not believe God makes mistakes we have good opportunity to get stronger as we over come these trials of this life.
If Jesus can calm a storm at sea he surley can calm a storm at marriage - point is do you want the marriage [when you have done all to stand - do you remain standing]


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Re: adultery
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2012, 06:43:01 PM »

In reply to post #16 dated Jan.1st 2012 and written in part by Samson... he quoted an article of Jan. 2007 written by Ray entitled “Living with a Woman”.

Before I go on, I am not trying to discredit any of the other posts, I just am looking for a clarification.

Again, in Rays article, he stated that Nuptuals are a wedding ceremony which includes a wedding feast or a reception where vows are exchanged in a public ceremony with witnesses, etc.  and that living with a man or a woman (which ever the case may be) definitely requires a piece of paper or a marriage certificate, (if I understood it correctly).

My question is this.... in  Genesis 24:63-67 Isaac met Rebekah (assuming) a short distance from his mothers tent, and as the verses indicate, the 2 of them went in to his mothers tent where Isaac 'took'
 Rebekah, and she became his wife.

Genesis 24:63-67 And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming. And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel. For she had said unto the servant, What man is this that walketh in the field to meet us? And the servant had said, It is my master: therefore she took a vail, and covered herself. And the servant told Isaac all things that he had done. And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death

Now that does leave room for a lot of conjecture in that one could assume that it was Rebekah and Isaac only inside the tent;  there were no witnesses or other physical proof of their marriage.

Again, I do agree, that 2 people should exchange vows with each other and before God, but from there, if they were sincere with their vows, are they married??  or Not?  Please, do reply as I am happily married, and we had witnesses, etc.  but this has been a question in my mind for some time and I guess this is as good a time as any to discuss it with others. 



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Re: adultery
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2012, 07:22:15 PM »

Genesis 24:63-67 And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming. And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel. For she had said unto the servant, What man is this that walketh in the field to meet us? And the servant had said, It is my master: therefore she took a vail, and covered herself. And the servant told Isaac all things that he had done. And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death

Now that does leave room for a lot of conjecture in that one could assume that it was Rebekah and Isaac only inside the tent;  there were no witnesses or other physical proof of their marriage.

Gen 24:50-51   Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, “The thing comes from the LORD; we cannot speak to you either bad or good. Here is Rebekah before you; take her and go, and let her be your master’s son’s wife, as the LORD has spoken.”

Rebekah's family was a witness...they gave their daughter away as a father does during a wedding ceremony.

Also the phrase 'he took her as his wife and loved her' did not happen right then and there inside the tent. No one falls truly in love in an instant. This was a general statement that took place over a period of time.

Hope this helps,



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Re: adultery
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2012, 08:35:18 PM »

We all getting into these sinful situations   its so very humbling  its good to see you are looking at it as though you did sin   prayer and going slower helps  keeping the sword in the sheave  helps a great deal   to think and hear clearer.


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Re: adultery
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2012, 10:00:27 PM »

I found these posts extremely well thought out and helpful on many levels.  I especially enjoyed Craig's analogy of the gold being dug up and refined against it's will and natural habitat.  I truly hope Dre Learns and not Leaves.  We "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God"! 
What better place to be guided, corrected and helped than this FORUM!  How would you like to be dragged before the deacon's committee and then the "church body" to have your "laundry" and subsequent "dis-fellowshipping" done before the whole church assembly??  I have seen it done and it is not pretty!  (I have never heard where publicly dissecting a person for sinning has resulted in repentance yet!)
We, B-T'ers are the "body" and this is a beautiful, self-esteem retaining way of helping/guiding each other in love--which I might add, is VERY evident in people's answers.

Duane, being Duane, has to end on a lighter note:  My father was commenting to me how many people, both Christian and non-Christian were getting divorced or separated with impunity--and then  living with others without being married!  Having the same sense of humor as a teen, I replied "yeah, Dad--It seems that now days parents raise their off-spring 'from childhood right up through adultery' "! 
(he tried not to laugh!)


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Re: adultery
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2012, 06:57:37 AM »

I think I can understand why certain posters might no longer be around.

Some if not most are not longer here because the idol of their hearts become exposed and they will not/cannot except that they me be wrong.  I am the same way, but someday we will know better.

Marques' post and Ray's responses were full of wisdom, but if the idol of our own hearts are pricked our first inclination is to attack the messenger.  That my friends is the Beast Within.  I have come to recognize that "beast" and it is in me and everyone of us.  Realizing this,  my race in this life is to slowly let go of my own idols, it is a struggle with a lot of pit stops along the way.

I don't believe God sits in heaven with a rule book out and says "if you do this then I will punish you like this"  God's wisdom is revealed in the Bible and in parables and symbols.  He tells us that if we make certain decisions and mistakes then the effect of these choices will always be there for us to deal with.  Cause and effect.  Why did God create us so weak?  Why doesn't God just create us strong so that we only will make the right choices?   Read that again..."Why doesn't God create us strong?".  Friends, He is "creating" us strong, we are in the creation stage, this is part of our creation process.  

God likens Himself to a cleansing fire.  Let's consider that we are a nugget of gold taken from the ground, and let us also assign feelings and emotions to the gold.  O.K?, so there we are in the ground buried safe and sound all is fine according to our knowledge and we are comfortable.  Then one day we feel a vibration around us, we become frightened and curious, the noises and vibrations increase and suddenly we are hoisted from our comfort zone and there is a light shining on us.  We don't like this, we like our comfort better.  We don't recognize that we are dirty we don't know much of anything.  We look over to our right and spot the most beautiful sight, a nugget of Gold that is pure and shines like nothing we have ever seen, we are in awe.  We are setting there and we hear a voice saying that we will be a beautiful work of pure Gold that will shine as much as the One we saw before, our creation has started.  We are excited now,  this will be great.

Suddenly we are being hosed off by water, we don't like this, this is bad to us, it is not natural to have this happen.  We ask why?, why?, why could we not be left alone?  We were comfortable with the dirt we liked it, it was natural to us.  Then we are left alone to dry and we look at ourselves and though we can see some gold and a few shiny spots, we realize we are still dirty.  Suddenly we are hoisted into an intense heat, it is more painful than anything we have ever experienced.  It feels like our insides are being ripped out, we are being reformed.  Things that were a part of us is slowly leaving us, we don't want to give them up but as they go we start to feel cleaner.  The heat of the fire is overwhelming and we cry out for it to stop.  We don't want to give up the impurities in us we fight to keep them, but as we become cleaner we feel better.  We are removed from the heat and suddenly we realize that we have become as pure and shiny as the Gold we saw before and we hear a voice saying that we are finished.  We have been created.  We are pure, we no longer want the impurities and don't even remember why we wanted them in the first place.

That gold is us, we are being created strong and pure like Christ.  The impurities (our idols and sins) will be gone someday.  Your all's impurities and sins may be different from mine and I am learning  not to judge others.  And I don't begrudge you your beliefs or struggles, but I can read God's word and He tells us what is not pure.....

"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, or thieves, those who are greedy or drunk, who use abusive language, or who rob people will not inherit the kingdom of God"  

That is one verse in Corinthians, there are many verses that tells us where we are not pure, where we are failing.  None are pure and all of us fails.  Again I will not judge or condemn anyone's failings as mine are probably worse, but I will not justify an impurity as being pure.  

And now I've come full circle, an idol of our heart is when we cannot accept or see our failings and then look to justify them and declare them just.  That is wrong and something we all need to guard against.  If anyone is dealing with or struggling with or even comfortable with their impurities, I will not look down on you or condemn you, I will be your friend, I will give a hand to help you. However I will not lend an ear to your justification of sin. Craig

 This is the thing Craig. I am not telling you or anyone else to sin. Your doing a good job of it on your own. I am not feeling pricked in my heart either. Nor am I under any illusion that I am holy or don't struggle with the beast. I shared some thoughts and you and others feel the need to keep lecturing on and on. If you feel comfortable and your conscience is clean, then so be it. If you think I attacked the messanger then what do you think your response and others was to me? But of course you believe your in the right! So it's ok for you to correct me right. But have you not taken note to my repeated comments that I'm not justifying sex or the matter I am speaking of is different than the carnal act. How many posts do I need to get the point across? I'm not intimidated and don't feel the need to run away. Nor do I think people leave just only because they feel pricked in the heart, people can leave because self righteous people can stink worse than pigs. Speaking of I need a bath.  ;D



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Re: adultery
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2012, 09:20:04 AM »

Where do you come off seeing anyone is being self rightous??  I don't think it was in my post or Marques' or others that I paid attention to.  We know we are all sinners, and I don't care what your sin is or anyone elses, but it appeared to me that you don't feel the topic in question was a sin.  And that, and the snide remark of why people leave prompted my post.  If I misunderstood you then please accept my apology.  If not then I hope you understand the point I tried to make. 



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Re: adultery
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2012, 11:59:17 AM »

Hey Samson,

    I have read all the material on this subject. But you know I can't really respond. I really wish the focus could be more on the higher spiritual application of marriage according to what I see in the scriptures. Your keeping it on the level of carnal sex, not I.

Hello River,

I hope you were not thinking that I was coming off as "Self Righteous," because My long term record in Marriage stinks, not counting My current Marriage to Pam, the jury isn't finished with this relationship, but so far, so good, maybe God is giving me a break, perhaps He knew I couldn't endure another disappointment in this area, it might kill Me, apparently, He wants Me to still live for awhile. I've suffered the repercussions of Bad Marriages to the point of wishing and praying for Death as a release.

Anyway, You were asking about a Spiritual Marriage, were you referring to the following Scriptures about the way all of Us hope it would or could be. Read Below !

1Pe 3:1  Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; 1Pe 3:5  For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:
1Pe 3:6  Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
1Pe 3:7  Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. Eph 5:22  Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
Eph 5:23  For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
Eph 5:24  Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Eph 5:25  Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Col 3:18  Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
Col 3:19  Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.
Pro 5:18  Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.
Pro 5:19  Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.

River, Are you referring to a Spiritual Marriage in regards to the above Scriptures, there are probably more. I, for one have always hoped for such, yet I had a Marriage in the past where Our Scriptural Beliefs and the consideration of the above Scriptures and the desire to follow them were not enough for it to work. Why, because of Our circumstances and mainly that We were unevenly yoked in regards to Our personalities, in other words, Our personalities didn't jive, both parties wanted to play Quarterback and there's only one Football. So, what lesson did I learn from all these former Marital experiences: " Personality compatibility is Numero Uno in selecting a Mate. Sex, Religious Beliefs, Looks, Interests, etc are secondary. That's My advice from much experience. If you don't get along with your Husband or Wife, what difference does it make if there's agreement on spiritual belief, Of course, no Man or Woman gets along perfectly, they speak different languages, but if you live in a War Zone because personalities constantly and consistently clash on a regular daily basis, You won't care about as much about these other factors.

Just My experience & hope that God has decided that I've learned enough in this area, Samson,  ;D.



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Re: adultery
« Reply #37 on: January 03, 2012, 03:11:17 PM »


I do not mean or want to belabor the point, but I still am in a quandary as to what actually constitutes a marriage between a man and a woman. 

In your answer to my first post regarding Isaac and Rebekah, at the time Isaac took Rebekah to his mothers tent, the scripture does not go into detail but one can assume there were no other people in the tent and there was no additional scripture stating anything regarding a reception or any other type of marriage certificates.  Only, that Isaac continued to love Rebekah.   You also said this happened over a period of time and I would assume that to be an assumption on your part, unless there is scripture that states the same. 

My real issue is, whether a couple gets married in 6 months or 6 years after meeting each other, according to the scripture, Isaac and Rebekah were married without any witnesses, a reception, or marriage papers of any type, as we know it today.  Therefore I will return to my basic question as stated in my first post... if a man and a woman love each other, and, assuming they are following Gods will, does there need be anything other than vows exchanged between the two of them and God as their witness? 

One last thought in closing, Rebekah's parents gave her away (so to speak) when she left their home to go to marry Isaac.  However, in modern day services, the (quote on quote) witnesses are those that stand up with the bride and groom, and more specifically, the best man and the brides maid who sign the marriage certificate as witnesses.  I apologize, I had 2 last thoughts.  If most churches are corrupt, where would a couple go and who would be the one to read the vows they repeat during the marriage ceremony? 

Again, please understand, I am not trying to be contentious, but really am perplexed by some of these scriptural statements and am just looking for clarification, if possible.



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Re: adultery
« Reply #38 on: January 03, 2012, 03:50:49 PM »


I do not mean or want to belabor the point, but I still am in a quandary as to what actually constitutes a marriage between a man and a woman. 

In your answer to my first post regarding Isaac and Rebekah, at the time Isaac took Rebekah to his mothers tent, the scripture does not go into detail but one can assume there were no other people in the tent and there was no additional scripture stating anything regarding a reception or any other type of marriage certificates.  Only, that Isaac continued to love Rebekah.   You also said this happened over a period of time and I would assume that to be an assumption on your part, unless there is scripture that states the same.

My real issue is, whether a couple gets married in 6 months or 6 years after meeting each other, according to the scripture, Isaac and Rebekah were married without any witnesses, a reception, or marriage papers of any type, as we know it today.  Therefore I will return to my basic question as stated in my first post... if a man and a woman love each other, and, assuming they are following Gods will, does there need be anything other than vows exchanged between the two of them and God as their witness?

Rebekah's family was a witness, as was Abraham's servant who went to find Isaac's wife. We have no record if they did or did not have any type of reception. One could assume either way.

As far as a marriage paper: the scriptures document the marriage between Adam & Eve, there is no other marriage paper spoken of but we don't assume they are not married. Why would we not do the same regarding Isaac & Rebekah? The scriptures stated Isaac took Rebekah as his wife, so why assume it is not true but Adam & Eve is?

Remember Paul's words: 'Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor' [Rom 13:7].

There is a custom regarding marriage that we have now in most of the world: marriage ceremony, vows, witnesses, license, etc.

One last thought in closing, Rebekah's parents gave her away (so to speak) when she left their home to go to marry Isaac.  However, in modern day services, the (quote on quote) witnesses are those that stand up with the bride and groom, and more specifically, the best man and the brides maid who sign the marriage certificate as witnesses.  I apologize, I had 2 last thoughts.  If most churches are corrupt, where would a couple go and who would be the one to read the vows they repeat during the marriage ceremony? 

Again, please understand, I am not trying to be contentious, but really am perplexed by some of these scriptural statements and am just looking for clarification, if possible.


In many countries, a judge at a courthouse or other government facility can marry a husband & wife. The couple can also have their own vows and/or the judge can provide.

If a couple is legally married, there are many rights and provisions that the law gives them...some are even biblical. But if a couple are not legally married, they will not have these rights.

For example, if a man divorces a woman, she is entitled certain provisions (alimony) from the ex-husband. This was done even with ancient Israel when they left Egypt. In our times now, without legal standing, the woman would not be entitled anything from the ex-husband. This is just one example of the difference between being legally married and declaring vows with no legal standing.



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Re: adultery
« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2012, 11:27:27 PM »

Hey Samson,

 You wrote "River, Are you referring to a Spiritual Marriage in regards to the above Scriptures, there are probably more. I, for one have always hoped for such, yet I had a Marriage in the past where Our Scriptural Beliefs and the consideration of the above Scriptures and the desire to follow them were not enough for it to work. Why, because of Our circumstances and mainly that We were unevenly yoked in regards to Our personalities, in other words, Our personalities didn't jive, both parties wanted to play Quarterback and there's only one Football."

 Yeah I am not talking about a marriage of this sort. Knowing the kingdom of God is not meat and drink and His words are Spirit I'm not concerned with physical rituals. The idea I am speaking of is shown in Ray's response to a question.

I like this line a lot ""We know longer know Jesus after the FLESH." Jesus HIMSELF said: "The flesh profits NOTHING." "The words that I speak unto you, they are SPIRIT and they are LIFE."

This is the marriage I am speaking of. This is the higher application, it operates without a pagan pastor, a judge of carnal matters or customs of false religions which flow in our society.

Revelations 17 says it well " With her the kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.”

This is the adultery, the fornication, this is the whoredom and the breaking of the marriage vows. It's a parable and to me about our marriage to Babylon. We are in bed with her, we have given ourselves to another, we have fornicated with her and commit adultery by living these things.

 As Ray says in quotes below from the same response letter..

"Because there is absolutely nothing physical that can make one spiritual.

Paul baptized at one time in his ministry and then he quit. Why? Because he put away childish things and went on to spiritual maturity.

Paul used to circumcise in his early ministry and then he quit. Why? Because he put away childish things and went on to spiritual maturity.

All physical rituals are CARNAL ordinances, and we are no longer under carnal ordinances."

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