Exposing Those Who ContradictPart 3
"The One Who is operating all in accord with the counsel of His will." (Eph. 1:11). But the buck stops at God's throne. He has not given us the same powers He possesses, that's for sure. But man, puny man, thinks he has "human free will" that is never caused or made to think or do anything. Man thinks himself sovereign in this assumed free will.
The Scriptures know nothing of "human free will." This is just another case of human ignorance. Men do not possess free will, because free will does not exist. The reason that "free will" (the ability to make uncaused choices) does not exist is because it is a physiological impossibility!
The first edict of the universe is "cause & effect."
Nothing in heaven or earth can happen without a cause. For every effect there is a cause. There are no exceptions. No effect or happening of any kind in the universe, on earth, in our bodies, or in our minds can come into existence without a cause. And if something is caused, it cannot be free. That would be a total contradiction of words and logic.
Humans do have wills. But wills are not free from causality." ... for it is GOD Who is operating in you TO WILL as well as to work for the sake of His delight" (Phil. 2:13). This involves countless unperceived forces.
Don't confuse "will" with "choice." Someone might say: "If our choices, are caused, then how can one call it a 'choice'-isn't that a contradiction?" Not at all. Free will demands that when someone makes a "free will" choice, no thing or no one made or forced him to do so. It was completely up to him-one way or the other. People simply confuse the meaning and definition of words. The word "choice" has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the choice could have been avoided.
A choice is merely what we prefer. Nowhere does the word "choice" carry with it the notion of "avoidability."When one makes a choice, one selects what one prefers most at that instant. Nevertheless, something still caused that choice, whether one sees or feels its presence or not. One can argue that one made a free choice because one desired to do so. It still doesn't matter-the desire caused the choice, and the desire, itself, was caused. There are no exceptions. One may suggest that one did or said something without a cause simply because one willed to do so. Fine. But then even you are admitting that the choice had a cause, namely your will.
One's wills and desires are not free from the laws of God or the laws of physics. These demand a cause for every effect. Man is not a deity.
Man's will is not independent from his Creator (Phil. 2:13). Read Mat. 7:18-23. Our Lord speaks of a large group of people (many), " ... in that day," who will justify their Christian walk by: "prophesying in Christ's name," "casting out demons," and "doing many wonderful works." (Ver. 22). Sounds pretty good to me. But there seems to be a problem when Christ says: " ... depart from me, ye that work iniquity" (Ver. 23).
"Iniquity" is not the proper translation here. The Greek word is anomon-UN-LAWness or LAWLESSNESS. Man thinks by nature he is above the law in that "free will" is, itself, lawless. Thinking himself equipped with "free will" man feels a certain equality with his Creator. "Human free will," therefore, becomes the epitome of man's lawlessness. Man thinks himself a potter. However, to man's chagrin, God says He is the Potter and man is the "pot" (Isa. 64:8).
And God hates pride (Prov. 6:17, 16;18, 29:23), which is the bed-buddy of human "free will."
Anyone who is so deluded as to think he possesses powers so great as to be able to thwart the very Will of God, is certainly disqualified from being a teacher of the Word of God!
"Sin is lawlessness" (I Jn. 3:4). Free will is lawlessness.
http://bibletruths.com/part3.htmThis is a concept that is not the easiest to fully comprehend but if you really meditate on all the implications, when you were born (hour, day, year), who you were born to, your height, your intellect, the color of your hair and eyes, the country, state, city you were born in, what school you went to, the people who are/were your friends or enemies in the neighborhood you grew up in, the teachers you had in school.
Can anyone make an honest claim that they themselves chose when to be born or who their parents would be? You can "choose" your friends but from a finite set of people, you can "choose" do well in school (assuming you have the intellect) and the teachers you have are committed and competent but how many of these choices are "free choices?" The things that you can actually choose were caused by circumstances too numerable to list.
It is not the natural way for us to think as we have been indoctrinated with this false "free will" concept for all of our lives up until now, it is also a bit of an ego buster to contemplate how little we actually really control, we can attempt to make the best choices given our present understanding but when you really think about it the choices we are presented with are caused by an external Force greater than any and every man.
His Peace and Wisdom to you,