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Author Topic: Cannabis being legalized...  (Read 48824 times)

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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #40 on: November 17, 2018, 08:15:56 AM »

Thank you all...I will look into it. I have a fear of things such as this that I don't know much about....


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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #41 on: November 30, 2018, 05:31:29 PM »

The 1930’s and 1980’s drug war propaganda was very effective in deceiving the masses and influencing the opinions of people for decades. But the truth can never be hidden forever and I’m thankful to God that more and more people are awaking out of their ignorance of what Cannabis is and what it isn’t.

I smoke Cannabis daily. The THC kind. It has been a blessing and I give thanks to the Almighty Creator for creating every seed bearing herb for the service of man. It serves me well.

Regardless of your thoughts on Cannabis, personal freedom is a good thing. If I don’t have the freedom to put whatever I want into my body so long as it doesn’t harm another person, than I do not have ownership over my own body. And if I don’t have ownership over my own body than someone else does and I am not free.

I wish freedom for all of you to do what you want with your own lives as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. Even if you want to ruin your own life. Every person should have the right to ruin their lives if they so choose.... to their own master will they rise or fall.

God Bless you ALL.
I’m just what you made God.. ~Kid Cudi

Dennis Vogel

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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #42 on: November 30, 2018, 07:18:39 PM »

Back in the 80's Cannabis was 10% as powerful as it is today.

If you are an island and have no one that will deeply mourn your passing then ...

No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

John Donne

I can't say that the above is biblical - It's a poem

Poet's Notes about The Poem
These famous words by John Donne were not originally written as a poem - the passage is taken from the 1624 Meditation 17, from Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions and is prose. The words of the original passage are as follows:

John Donne
Meditation 17
Devotions upon Emergent Occasions

'No man is an iland, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee....'  'Google'


John from Kentucky

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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #43 on: November 30, 2018, 09:22:54 PM »

What do the Scriptures say about this issue?

The Scriptures do not condemn drinking alcohol, but strongly condemns intoxication.
After all, Jesus's 1st miracle was creating hundreds of gallons of good wine.

I have never had marijuana or any kind of any illegal drugs.

So if marijuana causes immediate intoxication, I would say the Scriptures would condemn it.

Also, if smoking tobacco causes harm to your body, wouldn't the smoking of marijuana cause similar harm?

An overall principle of Scripture is to cause no harm to yourself or others.

So how can smoking marijuana be O.K. just because you think it is right?  Only God decides right and wrong.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil has bitter fruit.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 09:27:19 PM by John from Kentucky »


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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2018, 09:41:45 PM »

I think discipline is needed.  Most behavior is habitual, and they say chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. 


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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #45 on: November 30, 2018, 10:07:54 PM »

personal freedom is a good thing. If I don’t have the freedom to put whatever I want into my body so long as it doesn’t harm another person, than I do not have ownership over my own body. And if I don’t have ownership over my own body than someone else does and I am not free.

I wish freedom for all of you to do what you want with your own lives as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. Even if you want to ruin your own life. Every person should have the right to ruin their lives if they so choose.... to their own master will they rise or fall.
I personally don't see freedom in "making any possible choice, regardless of consequences." Freedom is found in Christ, not apart from Him. How would hurting yourself, no matter how much or little it affects others, be glorifying God? It is not glorifying God.

I think God would hurt the most by His child hurting themselves.

1 Corinthians 3
16Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

1 Corinthians 6
19Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.


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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #46 on: December 05, 2018, 04:17:07 PM »

sugar is more harmful to your body/your temple than cannabis. Sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine and has caused an epidemic of diabetes and a slew of serious health problems associated with obesity. Still, I wouldn’t want anyone to have the authority to tell you that you can’t eat whatever you want.

You can go to a fast food restaurant and order a stomach full of chemical food and wash it down with a gallon of sugar syrup soda. Is that honoring Gods temple?? My answer would be no. But I want everyone to have the freedom to dishonor my God if they so choose as long as they don’t physically harm anyone else. Perhaps you will non-physically hurt someone’s feelings in doing so but that should be your own choice.

The Law is to love your neighbor as yourself. I personally do not want any man to have authority to rule over me. And so I would be a hypocrite if I were to assume authority over another man to tell them what they can or can’t do with their own body. That’s the best way I know how to ‘love my neighbor’ whom I’ve never met. Is to give them the room and freedom to work out this life how they see best and not impose my personal beliefs on them.

We will all be judged as individuals (or islands *dennis) and it will all work out just fine for everyone when it’s all done. Until then I will make it my ambition to lead a quite life, work with my hands, and mind my business.

As far as cannabis being harmful... there are just too many variables to be able to make a blanket statement like that. It’s probably more true to say that cannabis is harmful to some people.. sometimes. And also that cannabis is harmless to some people.. sometimes. And even still that cannabis is beneficial for some people.. sometimes.

What is harmful, though, is using the power of the government (which is violence) to try and rule over your neighbor.. (sometimes or all the time, I don’t know.)
« Last Edit: December 05, 2018, 04:19:29 PM by lareli »
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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #47 on: December 05, 2018, 06:51:52 PM »

We do not have free will or freedom to do this or that.

All that we do, we are compelled to do by forces which we do not control.

Only Jesus can set us free from sin.  Only then are we free.


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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #48 on: December 10, 2018, 04:16:50 PM »

Back in the 80's Cannabis was 10% as powerful as it is today.

Nope !

The cops have no test to give high drivers

Yes there is - cops do it in Australia all the time now
« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 04:25:21 PM by rumpelstiltskin »
If you want to know what God thinks of money,just look at the people he gave it to
Dorothy Parker

Dennis Vogel

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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #49 on: December 10, 2018, 07:00:44 PM »



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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #50 on: December 10, 2018, 07:47:09 PM »

It’s ok Dennis , but cannabis has now been so over breed,cross germinated into hybrids that are given fancy names like ;
Girl Scout cookies
Green crack
Chimp glue
Bubble gum
Durban poison
Crown royale
And hundreds of other strains which some are ok , However in my opinion the landrace strains are much much better but no longer available . In the end making cannabis legal is really all about the money- hence the hundreds of strains 🙂
If you want to know what God thinks of money,just look at the people he gave it to
Dorothy Parker


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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #51 on: December 10, 2018, 09:02:33 PM »

Yeah, they just legalized the stuff in Michigan.  I know I don't want anything to do with it and frankly some of the people I know are loopy enough without it.  From what I know though there are some medical benefits for cancer patients and being a plant it probably isn't more harmful than some of those chemicals they come up with.  And of course State government is just thinking about all the money they can make by taxing the stuff.  I don't see any good coming from it but OTOH we saw how effective prohibition was back in the 1920's.  If people want the stuff they'll find a way to get it law or no law.


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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #52 on: December 11, 2018, 04:08:17 PM »

Just a simple opinion based on 83 years of living.

A major problem is that well intentioned people who make and enforce laws, even church people, are trying to HELP drug users/offenders by putting them in jails with career criminals where they can study advanced ways to avoid being caught. At the same time mental health facilities are being closed due to the expense of operation under health care insurance regulations. Police departments are being overwhelmed with excessive time being spent on 2-5 grams of weed being confiscated and logged into police records etc. while more serious crimes are understandably ignored. People arrested for minor crimes are being held over for trial for weeks because they didn't have a $500.00 bond to post or a relative to lend them the money.

Correction of individuals works only when administered with real/sincere loving care with personal examples. No set of laws, not even God's laws will work effectively when applied outside of a concerned family environment.

We arrest and confine people who don't think like we believe they should so that we don't have to deal with them in our daily lives. Yes they are a problem, but putting them away and out of site is the cowards way of pretending to help.

Ole Bob  ::)


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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #53 on: December 11, 2018, 04:35:27 PM »

All I know is what I hear:

This article is inconclusive isn’t it? The only thing they are confident about is that THC levels are higher today than in the 70’s. How much higher is not clear and the results are too inconsistent. Regardless. Words like ‘stronger’ ‘more potent’ are not in any way synonymous with ‘harmful’ or ‘dangerous’.

But that is how propaganda works.

“All I know is what I hear”? Really?

In the 1920’s you would’ve heard that marijuana makes negroes think they’re as good as white men.. you would’ve heard that one puff of the marijuana will turn your loved one into a ravenous murdering lunatic.. Just 50 years ago “True Physicians” (as JFK calls them) would’ve told you it’s completely harmless for your pregnant wife to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day..

« Last Edit: December 11, 2018, 07:03:37 PM by lareli »
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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #54 on: January 25, 2019, 04:51:29 PM »

“Drugs” is an interesting word. Propaganda has turned “drugs” into a “bad” word. But alcohol is a drug, and no one will dispute that fact.

That means Jesus was a drug supplier.

Not only is alcohol a drug.. it is the most dangerous and destructive drug ever known to man. Alcohol is involved in more violent crimes, rapes, murders, robberies, spousal/child abuse, and divorce, than any other drug.. yet Jesus supplied barrels of it. “The good stuff” too, not just grape juice.

Why? Honest question..
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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #55 on: January 26, 2019, 01:20:32 PM »

There is so much symbolism tied up in this wedding  narrative, where Jesus performed his first miracle and turned water into wine, but it's not possible to include them all in a comment. However, I'll try to summarize some important aspects

For Jews, the marriage covenant symbolically represents the covenant between God and his people, and has very significant meaning to our understanding of the relationship between Christ and the Church today.

There is  symbolism for the calling out of the physical nation of Israel, the sacrifice of the  Messiah, and the drawing out of people who would make up the body of the Church. This wedding correlates to mankind’s redemption. It shows that Christ is pivotal to the plan of salvation.

The wedding depicts God's covenant in progress. Running out of wine  alludes to the Old Covenant  animal sacrifices coming to an end, and the new wine portrays the new covenant that the Church partakes of.

Reading the account in John 2:1-11 every detail of this wedding  has great significance, from the invitation to the wedding, to the purification vessels.

It was not a coincidence that the water Jesus transformed came from jars used for ceremonial washing. The water signified the Jewish system of purification, and Jesus replaced it with pure wine, representing his spotless blood that would wash away our sins.

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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2019, 01:21:22 PM »

Good day Lareli,

Why invent and supply to mankind an edible food that can be fermented into 10% alcohol?  ::)

Well, I suppose it could lead to discernment of good and evil, based upon learning to understand cause and effect. After all God did lead Eve and Adam into the center of the garden paradise to taste the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So I must assume that God intends for us to be tested and learn from our various experiences.

The scripture teaches that someday we will be judging angels so it would seem to follow that we need to learn righteous judgment to a small degree in this life if we ever expect to mature. Alcohol can also be used as a disinfectant to cleanse a wound and wine can be converted into vinegar to enhance the taste of other foods. It is a matter of practicing sound judgment and we often miss the target so we have to expect to practice more. There are many opportunities in life to learn "moderation".

God put in front of us many experiences that can teach and we need to learn about evil results so that we can more readily appreciate good results. Yes life can be hard, but that is what our creator put before us for our eventual benefit.

Indiana Bob

“Drugs” is an interesting word. Propaganda has turned “drugs” into a “bad” word. But alcohol is a drug, and no one will dispute that fact.

That means Jesus was a drug supplier.

Not only is alcohol a drug.. it is the most dangerous and destructive drug ever known to man. Alcohol is involved in more violent crimes, rapes, murders, robberies, spousal/child abuse, and divorce, than any other drug.. yet Jesus supplied barrels of it. “The good stuff” too, not just grape juice.

Why? Honest question..

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #57 on: January 26, 2019, 02:28:16 PM »

Bob said much of what I was thinking, and better.  But I'll tack a bit on.

There's a "sweet spot" in consuming alcohol that diminishes inhibitions just enough to allow people to let down their natural guard and worries and enjoy the company of others.  But in many people, and especially when over-consumed, this reduction in self-control reveals aspects of character that should be self-controlled.  Selfishness, violence, fear, hate, aggression.  In these ways, it is a parable of Holy Spirit.  Who knows what resides deep in the hearts of men?  He does, and he shows it to us as we are prepared to see it.

That is the working of the grace of God in our lives and His gifts to us in like manner but more-so than barrels of fermented grape juice at a wedding. 

"Be not drunk with wine, but be filled with Holy Spirit."

« Last Edit: January 26, 2019, 02:30:48 PM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #58 on: January 26, 2019, 03:34:05 PM »

Well Lareli, once again I fall short on understanding the simplicity of your question. When will I learn🤔
I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life.
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Re: Cannabis being legalized...
« Reply #59 on: February 05, 2019, 04:48:58 PM »

Bob said much of what I was thinking, and better.  But I'll tack a bit on.

There's a "sweet spot" in consuming alcohol that diminishes inhibitions just enough to allow people to let down their natural guard and worries and enjoy the company of others.  But in many people, and especially when over-consumed, this reduction in self-control reveals aspects of character that should be self-controlled.  Selfishness, violence, fear, hate, aggression.  In these ways, it is a parable of Holy Spirit.  Who knows what resides deep in the hearts of men?  He does, and he shows it to us as we are prepared to see it.

That is the working of the grace of God in our lives and His gifts to us in like manner but more-so than barrels of fermented grape juice at a wedding. 

"Be not drunk with wine, but be filled with Holy Spirit."


I don’t disagree but I find it incredibly interesting that the single most destructive drug known to man is a parable of the Holy Spirit.

Makes me wonder if, in this context, alcohol as a naturally occurring drug is also representative of all the less harmful naturally occurring mind altering substances.
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