> General Discussions

No Hell?

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Lesur-  Have you read any of Ray or Mike"s teachings?? Read the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man- clearly the parable is about Israel and its enemies.  In fact, it is one of my favorites- short, simple and indisputable. Please read the scriptures that Ray uses.  Awesome, when I read that essay, I pushed my chair back, jumped up, and said, I KNEW IT.  God doesn't send people to this place called hell.  Me a life long church person.  But all along something always nagged at me about that. You should be thrilled and study and read and study and recheck the greek until you are sure and can say MY GOD and LORD came to save the world and thru Jesus HE did.  Read the myth about the whole way that Lucifer came about.  Go off site to independent websites about historical times and what early church fathers did, read, and suffered for.  Read how Rome took over the church.  Eye opening.  Don't be defending such tradition.  Ask the Lord to remove the scales from your eyes. Have a heart tender and ready to receive the TRUTH of the scripture-not something you have heard all your life.  Humble yourself- Want to know the truth, really really want.  Yikes, didn't mean to go on, I love you brother, in the Lord ,and hope you are sincere in your search to be so close to Christ that as you are in Him, then He is in you.

Lesur, perhaps there are some here who will indulge you in this, but since you are here in this forum by your own "free will" (yeah right) why don't you read the material on Ray & Mike's sites and come back with scriptural refutation. I see you ignored so much of what was replied to your post, we have seen it before, believe me. You really need to supply more scripture and less with the feelings and "christian" tradition. (Remember the original Hebrew/Greek).

My brothers and sisters here can do what they are compelled to do in regard to your preaching of this blasphemy but until I see you address the "meat of the matter" and not just parrot these doctrines from Babylon I will not be a part of broadcasting these evil attributes to our Lord and Saviour and His (and our) Father.


P.S. 1Ti 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

1Ti 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slack, concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

We believe God is quite capable of doing His will, puny flesh can't detour it, nor can any man thwart His will.

Dennis Vogel:
This can continue as long as everyone remains civil. Please, OK?


Ahhh...the ever reliance of straw-men to support the existance of hell, how typical.

The old cliche' of the same arguements of hell existing over and over again.

These same arguements for the existance of  hell will become clearer and ever so clearer in the distance.  And will become easier to refute just the same.

Never is the factual definition and understanding of hades and sheol ever really taken into consideration, nor even for that matter the original definition of " HELL ".


Dear lesur so you agree with me, we will all be save? You did not respond to my first post. So that mean you must agree with it.


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