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 on: Yesterday at 12:19:08 PM 
Started by Musterseed - Last post by Musterseed
After I wrote the (post rejoice in the firey trials cause this is good stuff,)
the next morning, I got the gout,  :-\, it’s so painful 😖 I can’t touch it.
Now I have to put my money where my mouth is and rejoice cause,
it’s good stuff. It doesn’t feel good  :( but it’s good for its purpose for it.)

Phil.2:13…. For it is God which works in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure. ( even if it hurts)

We are sleepyhead worms in warriors garments . Put on the full armour
of God…. Jesus Christ.
Christ is EVERYTHING, and really HIGH TECH. ;D

Nett thank you for your blessing, I pray the same for you and your family.💕
Porter, if God has already predetermined your way of life which is in Him, then
He won’t let you give up. Hang in there my friend. God didn’t raise no pansies.
Ok, now back to rejoicing over my big red fat swollen painful foot.  ;D

God Bless you all in the Love of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.💕

 on: Yesterday at 05:35:14 AM 
Started by Musterseed - Last post by Porter
There are still days when I tell God I give up, I'm done, I can't do this. Then again, I know it's not for me to decide whether I give up or not. God gives hope that just won't die, no matter the circumstances. This hope causes me to want to learn more about Him. I got it in me that if I could just touch the hem of His robe, I'd have it made.

Chris is the resurrection, and it occurred to me today that to be made alive in Him takes time and circumstances, neither of which are in my control. Not that I didn't know salvation is a process, but that I didn't know resurrection is also a process. I'm awake, but I'm still a bit sleepy. I have observed that I'm at my weakest when I'm sleepy. Thank God He showed me that because I know when I'm weak, then I'm strong because His power is perfected in weakness.

Thanks, Pamela and Nett, we all need encouragement.

 on: February 05, 2025, 04:56:26 PM 
Started by Musterseed - Last post by Nett
What a blessing of remembering for me and for you to share this with all of us. And the added scriptures of encouragement has well.

May the Good Lord continue to strengthen and bless you and your family, through ALL things that this life will bring Pamela.

Thank you my sister in Christ Jesus!


 on: February 02, 2025, 03:19:21 PM 
Started by Musterseed - Last post by Musterseed
From the Destiny of Women, an encouraging message from Ray.

James says “ rejoice in the firey trials. Because this is good stuff, this is more than gold or silver. You say “ I don’t know, give me gold and silver. But this is more valuable. I’m at a place now where I would chuck all the gold for this ( Bible),
this is going to last. We are building something that is eternal and we are the
first fruits. The firstfruits are always the biggest and plumpest and we are the first
fruits. We are the first. No human being born of a human father has ever made it into the Kingdom of God, yet. Some are qualified and sleeping on it , but nobody has made it yet, not one person.We are going to be first. So as in closing, I want
to wish you health, happiness and prosperity. Along with all the trials, misery and
tribulation and everything else that comes your way . I mean, you will partake of
both. There are times of joy and times of sorrow, they are all just as needful.
It’s just very hard when you are not feeling good,or looking good, or seeing things
very good.  But you got to look beyond to the goal. All these things are necessary.

Just a little more encourgement.
Isa.41:8…But you Israel, My servant Jacob, whom I have chosen, the offspring of
Abraham, My friend; v9… whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from
its farthest corners saying to you, “ you are My servant, I have chosen you and
not cast you off.v10… fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your
God, I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous
hand. V11… Behold , all who are incensed against you shall be put to shame and
confounded; those who strive against you shall be as nothing and shall perish.
V12… those who war against you shall be as nothing at all.

Psalm 48:1…. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of Our God!
                     His Holy Mountain.

Love to all of you in Christ
Pamela 💕

 on: January 17, 2025, 08:48:04 PM 
Started by Dennis Vogel - Last post by Musterseed
Yeah I couldn’t get in a couple of times these past few days.

What? We’re not popular?   :o

 on: January 17, 2025, 04:51:05 PM 
Started by Dennis Vogel - Last post by Dennis Vogel
FYI: We're working on the bible-truths site and this forum going down everyday lately.

We're not sure why yet but it could be someone trying to stop us by interfering/hacking our servers.

We're not the most popular bible study website :)

 on: January 16, 2025, 02:21:37 AM 
Started by Dynamo54 - Last post by Daddysgirl.2
It really is a tough road to be on, isn't it. I'm fully convinced that “setbacks” are a considerable part of Christ's work in humbling us. It's one thing to say “no one is righteous”, but it's something else entirely to experience it personally and daily. That is why I'm always amazed that I even have faith and hope left at the end of the day.

You put it in the words which my crumbed up brain couldn't even put together Porter. Always easier to preach it to others until the big finger is pointed at you. So, I am praying that I may show more grace and mercy, even as I am shown daily.. way outside my comprehension at that.

 on: January 15, 2025, 09:07:06 PM 
Started by Wendy - Last post by Dennis Vogel
My struggles never end either. I'm ready for a little more good in my life.

You'd think I know these videos inside and out after spending days or weeks making them. But I don't.

I watch them for content like everyone else, after I post them on YouTube.

 on: January 15, 2025, 04:05:10 PM 
Started by Wendy - Last post by Daddysgirl.2
Been listening for 2 days now too Dennis. I must say like it was once mentioned here on the forums, I don't yet know whether my relentlentess struggles are due to current judgement or my own disobedience. I await the white throne judgment too. Either way, God will do all his will.

 on: January 13, 2025, 12:49:08 AM 
Started by HoneyLamb56 - Last post by indianabob
All well said Porter and Musterseed,
We are purchased out of sin, out of slavery in order to be made free in God.

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