the next morning, I got the gout,

Now I have to put my money where my mouth is and rejoice cause,
it’s good stuff. It doesn’t feel good

Phil.2:13…. For it is God which works in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure. ( even if it hurts)
We are sleepyhead worms in warriors garments . Put on the full armour
of God…. Jesus Christ.
Christ is EVERYTHING, and really HIGH TECH.

Nett thank you for your blessing, I pray the same for you and your family.💕
Porter, if God has already predetermined your way of life which is in Him, then
He won’t let you give up. Hang in there my friend. God didn’t raise no pansies.
Ok, now back to rejoicing over my big red fat swollen painful foot.

God Bless you all in the Love of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.💕